Hi folks, I`ve finally reduced my mail stack and reviewed my gazillion e-mails to the point of putting out a trip/dive report for the recent SOCDC trip to Roatan, Honduras. This will be a summation of the trip, however, and if anyone wants specific details talk to me off line. We departed from LAX the morning of 8/4/07, changed planes in Huston, and arrived in Roatan that afternoon in a pouring rain. We checked in, looked around a bit, ate dinner, and hit the sack to get set for the next day`s diving. The next morning a dive orientation was presented, and then we moved to the dock for our first dive. Our DM, Darin, and boat captain, Moses, met us, briefed us, and off we went. We did three dives that day, returning to dock each time for new tanks, potty stops, and lunch. That was the routine for the next five days, completing three to four dives per day depending on if a night dive was on the agenda. I believe I was typical of the other divers and accomplished 22 dives in six days with two night dives and three wreck dives. The dives were never more than about 80 feet with the average being about 50 feet. Some choose to do a shark dive requiring travel to the West End, but I did not. I liked all the other stuff on the reefs. The weather improved after our arrival, and stayed that way until our departure when it rained again. The diving was superb with lots of beautiful sponges, corals, and other marine life. The ocean was a bit lumpy for the first two days, but flattened out for the remainder of our stay. The water temperature was a consistent 84F at all levels, with visibility ranging from 20-100 feet plus, with an average about 80 feet for the week. The Fantasy Island Resort was a pleasant experience. The rooms were OK, and the staff and food were good. There was plenty to do when not diving, and we even were getting pretty well known during the Karaoke sessions. We were in competition with the Italians. On our last full day on the island some went deep sea fishing while others, including myself, choose to take a tree canopy tour on cables suspended through the trees at a downward slope. It was a gas, and wait till you see the pictures. We all seemed to have a great time, ate a lot, and everyone come home whole and healthy. We left on Sunday, 08/012/07, with farewells to newly made friends, and got to the airport in a pouring rain. It must be something about traveling and airports?? Our trip home was OK even though we had to sprint through Immigration and Customs in Houston to catch our flight back to LAX. I got home, started soaking my dive gear, tossed my dirty clothes in the washer before burning would be required, ate, and hit the sack (God, I love my bed!) . My dog is starting to like me again, and I`ve caught up on most things, but I still haven`t even started on my 700 plus trip pictures. I promise to get to them shortly, and notify you when ready. I saw some of the other traveler`s pictures, and I believe we all have some great stuff to share. Later and safe diving, Wayne :-{D