Posted by CaliforniaKeith

Look at this site, it may not be on here past 12/31/07**************** ********** JUST copy that link to see lots of PICS. $350,000 boat costs $90,000 down then payments about $2,500/month, upkeep per month about $500 & set aside what is not spent. So with 4 people its $22,500 each down, $750 a month. Then that boat can go ANYWHERE in the world for 10 years, or have someone else take your part. After we had enough of seeing the world sell the boat for $250,000 or more. Also 2 to 4 people can also stay with us for a week or month at a time. This kind of sailboat cant sink, only if it hits a reef. A tidalwave can hit this boat & its impossible to flipflip it over, IF IF it did & it will right itself, it has thousands of pounds under water, so dont even think about it flipping. This kind of boat the water cannot fill up the inside because it has an enclosed pilot house. A power boat will flip & sink. So all you scardy cats that worrie about everything, there are ALREADY 10,000s of other people doing this all over the world. With advance navigation & communication & weather there is NO reason to be caught in the BIG STORM like in the movies, so get a grip, sailing is safe. , Diving we need buddies & sailing the world needs more than 2 also. Just think about it diving ANYWHERE for as long as we want & having others join us now & then. Also sailing the world does not mean we live on the boat 360 days a year. Every country or port you go to land & go shopping & sight seeing or stay in hotels for awhile. Other world travelers go home on the holidays & leave the boat in other ports, or have someone take care of it, or switch going home & the others stay with the boat. There will be places in the world where we will be the only boat near the shore or a deserted island. We will have a portable dive compressor & the boat is like a house. Full Kitchen, sleeping areas, upstairs & down, TV, DVD, just like a house. These boats make their own electricity & power & water, they even have clothes washing machine. So do you think that is a ROUGH way to see the world LOL LOL. & & some people even work from anywhere in the world with a phone & internet on the boat. SO did I leave anything out,, send me your comments & questions.