Fish & flush? What will they think of next? Here`s an excerpt from the Star Gazette: I kid you not. The Fish `n Flush can be found on www.fishnflush.com. The Web page video shows a toilet being flushed while aquarium fish swim safely about a 2.2-gal. tank. The fish don`t get flushed; only the water in a smaller center tank swirls down the drain.
That`s animal cruelty.
It`s bad enough that the fish spends his life confined to a tiny space with a stupid plastic bubble-headed SCUBA diver. Now the fish must watch people do their business in his home. You want to see some giant hairy butt a foot from your face every day? If I was the fish I`d pull the little decorative castle over on me and end it all.
The Web site boasts that the Fish `n Flush provides entertainment, excitement and "is a great conversation piece" for the home bathroom.
Who are you conversing with in your bathroom? I don`t take guests with me. I don`t want entertainment and excitement. I want silence and solitude.
The only benefit to the Fish `n Flush comes when the fish dies. The poor sucker doesn`t have far to travel to get flushed to that big pond in the sky.