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Bahamas, Treasure Cay
Posted by montenido
Bahamas, Treasure Cay
montenido - 7/14/2006 12:00 AM
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Category: Travel
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Hi, all. Just returned from a week in the Bahamas on Abaco Island. I went out on two 2-tank dive trips. One was on a 100 year-old ship wreck, the USS San Jacinto. Visibility was 80-100+, I`m not kidding! The wreck was about 40-60` deep and had a lot of structure and corral to see. My family snorkeled on the surface and said that they could see the wreck just fine. I also dove at a place called Guana Cay and another called no-name. Tons of different corrals, fish and other critters. Water temp at 55` was 84 degrees. It is going to be tough to beach dive Malibu after that. Anyway, I highly recommend Treasure Cay on Abaco in the Bahamas. There are virtually no tourists and wide beautiful beaches. Look up Brent at Treasure Divers. He`ll take you to the spots.