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Hamad from Kuwait Kuwait | Scuba Diver

Hi and welcome to my profile.

Feel free to text me if you need any help about Diving in
Egypt (Safaga , Hurghada) Red Sea


Georgia-OWSI - 3/09/2022 3:26 PM
Thank you!
NickBee - 8/07/2020 2:48 AM
Q8Diver - 5/30/2021 12:50 AM
Hi ..How are you?
Wolf71 - 1/30/2020 4:51 AM
Thank you text me anytime aswell nice to meet u bud
ChiefTalentOfficer - 10/20/2018 10:38 AM
I’d love to join you in Egypt, Thailand and UAE next year. Nosam and his wife who run dive trips for 26 years and own dive shops here in Orange County are in Egypt right now diving. Do you know him?
Q8Diver - 10/21/2018 6:12 AM
You welcome my friend ..sorry i dont know him but i would like to meet him :) if he do dive trips..
badintexas - 9/14/2009 10:17 AM
Hamad, I’m Becky, Greg’s wife. (owners of DiveBuddy) I’ve noticed you being very active on here and welcoming new members to our website. Thank you so much! That’s one thing that I love about DiveBuddy. Greg has made it so that this is ’our’ website. (all members, not just Greg and mine) Everyone is so willing to give advice and suggestions and share stories. You have been amazing, I just wanted to tell you that and Thank You again! We’re glad you’re a part DiveBuddy! -Becky
evildivemaster - 7/29/2009 8:30 PM
MiamiAngel - 6/23/2009 1:01 PM
How’s the diving been lately?
MiamiAngel - 6/01/2009 10:04 AM

I would LOVE to dive in Egypt, is that an invitation to join you someday? ;)


MiamiAngel - 5/25/2009 1:21 PM

Thank you and tell me, how is the diving in Kuwait? I can’t wait to travel outside of the country for dives.


littlecatmama - 11/06/2008 7:55 PM
Hi, I’ve not dove on that side of the world. Is it cold? Do you do ocean, lake, or river diving? Is the viz good? Little Cat Mama.