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Showing maps on profiles, dive clubs, dive sites
Greg - 10/11/2013 7:34 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 27

Whenever you visit a diver’s profile, a club’s profile or a dive site on a Google map is loaded that indicates your dive locations, club members or nearby dive sites.

In an effort to continually improve DiveBuddy, I would like to merge all those maps to one referenced page. So instead of loading the map right away... the pages listed above would link to another page that loads a bigger version of the map.

For example: If you visit my profile now, the Dive Map loads automatically towards the bottom of the page. This map shows my dive locations. Instead of loading that map on my profile, I am proposing to show a link to another page that would then load my Dive Map. That way my profile page loads quicker.

Would you prefer the map to load right away on each page OR would you prefer clicking to another page that loads a bigger version of the map?
JasonP - 10/23/2013 6:58 PM
[Choose #2] I don’t see that it significantly slows down the page load. How about adding a tab for it along with {About} {Certs} {Buddies} {Etc...}. With a right-click to open the larger version, you have benefit of both.
Eric_R - 10/12/2013 8:13 AM
[Choose #2] How about both.;)
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/11/2013 6:36 PM
[Choose #1] By the time I page down past the comments the map is there, don’t see how clicking a link would be quicker.
RAWalker - 10/11/2013 3:08 PM
[Choose #1] I like the map on the profile but would like to see it above comments right under the profile. Maybe a smaller version that allows you to click on it to see a full page version.
RockRat2008 - 10/11/2013 11:30 AM
[Choose #2] Agree with Aikidiver. I like the idea of the bigger map.
Brian_V - 10/11/2013 7:44 AM
[Choose #2] Quicker is better! And a bigger map is also better! I like it!