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Searching for Dive Sites, Members, Dive Clubs using Distance (City or Zip Code)
Greg - 3/05/2013 9:24 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 6

Now you can search for Dive Sites, Members and Dive Clubs using Distance from a City/State rather than just a Zip Code.

For example, if you want to find all dive sites near Miami, FL use the following search criteria on the dive site search page:

Distance: 25 mi

City: Miami

State: FL

The search page will look up a zip code for Miami FL, then perform a 25 mile proximity search. In order for a dive site to show up in the results, it must have a zip code added to it’s profile. When adding/editing off-shore dive sites, enter the nearest City/Zip Code in the profile OR use the most common departure City/Zip Code used to access the off-shore dive site.

Members and Dive Clubs must also have a Zip Coded added to their profile in order to show up in the search results when using a proximity search.

Of course, you can always just use the original Scuba Earth to point and click your way around an integrated dive map that has everything listed on it. Anything scuba related within a 100 mile radius will show up on the map.
Agojo - 3/05/2013 3:00 PM
How about being able to have more than one zip code in our profile and smaller asia countries vs distance to be advised of new members? I spend 4-5 months per year in Florida Panhandle with much travel to South Florida & the Keys 1,000 miles away with remainder of year in the Philippines traveling and diving with hopes of beginning to travel asia and diving.
Greg - 3/05/2013 3:14 PM
From Agojo: How about being able to have more than one zip code in our profile...

Not right now. That would require a pretty big overhaul of the design I currently have in place. It would make more sense for me to base the proximity off of map locations rather than the zip code, that way it can work for places without zip codes. Then I can allow profiles to have multiple map locations. But that’s a feature for a later day.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/06/2013 7:51 AM
"How about being able to have more than one zip code in our profile and smaller asia countries vs distance to be advised of new members? "

I’ve always thought we should be able to put more than one address in our profiles. We have snowbirds here (Me soon), people with rental properties, Greg’s beachhome in Italy :) Someone might not have a use for my guestroom in NJ but say one in SE Florida, yes. Maybe the boat I’m willing to share is elsewhere, it shouldn’t be in my NJ profile, that would just be confusing.

We have one woman here that works in Bali but her home address is in another country, how is anyone to know she could be a buddy in Bali if her blue pin doesn’t show up where she really is?
Greg - 3/06/2013 9:55 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: I’ve always thought we should be able to put more than one address in our profiles.

You guys are killing me here! :) Sooo, what if there was one primary address for your profile, with the ability to add multiple map locations (ie: geo coordinates on a map) with a name for each map location? So you could specify your current place of residence, along with a map point for your boat and guest house locations. This would also be used by dive centers that have more than one location.
Agojo - 3/06/2013 2:28 PM
That would help, but what about being advised of new members in certain areas? I was trying to keep up by individually checking locations of new members profiles when you were posting them on the default page which was changed a few weeks ago. Will be able to specific multiple locations for new members? In the Philippines travel distance can be far but cost to travel is cheap therefore the current limitation on distance is not adequate. Hong Kong is sometimes less than $100 flight, and you’re not even required to pedal.
Greg - 3/06/2013 2:31 PM
From Agojo: what about being advised of new members in certain areas

Have you ever heard the saying "give an inch and they take a foot"? :) There is already the option to notify you when new members join that are near your default profile location. I’ll see what needs to be done to extend this to include the other locations you add (if I even add the ability to add multiple locations :).

Thanks for everyone’s feedback.