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Breathing and Underwater Photos
Greg - 2/04/2012 7:34 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 34

Have you held your breath while someone is taking a photo of you underwater to avoid bubbles? Please leave a comment with your opinion about this.
Cameleon222 - 8/28/2015 4:51 AM
[Choose #1] Yes i do sometimes when at the same depth not while moving and swimming around, or else i simply signal the buddy who’s taking a pic to take another shot while i inhale a photographer myself, i do sometimes to get a steady shot
scubarick - 3/05/2012 7:03 AM
[Choose #1] yes/no....only if stationary on bottom, hanging on line, rock, and a wreck. The rest of the time, you’ll get bubbles.
Indiana - 2/24/2012 7:25 PM
[Choose #1] Yes we are taught never to hold your breath but it makes a better shot with no bubbles
Pixel - 2/16/2012 9:10 AM
[Choose #2] Nah, bubbles or not, it’s still gonna be a funny pic. :P
UWnewbee - 2/14/2012 12:10 AM
[Choose #2] Inhale or Exhale while being photoed, but also this topic of holding breath for a picture could be confusing for the new diver that has been taught to not hold his breath
SeacoastNH - 2/13/2012 1:52 PM
[Choose #2] I agree that the bubbles are part scuba...leave ’em in the shot...
DiveBuddyChgo - 2/11/2012 7:54 AM
[Choose #1] Inhale very slowly or hold your breath. Its all the same.
Scubaman7337 - 2/10/2012 9:34 AM
[Choose #2] Rules are rules, never hold your breath on scuba. Atleast I try not to.
daz88 - 2/08/2012 11:47 PM
[Choose #2] never held my breath so someone could take a pic of me. But I do hold me beath sometimes when taking photos. just depends on what it is, some ceatures are real affraid of the exhale
lerpy - 2/07/2012 10:26 AM
[Choose #1] I have on maybe two occasions when I took my reg out for the pic, while inhaling is prefered. I like the bubbles, pic of above someone as the bubbles come up.
zielit - 2/06/2012 7:32 AM
[Choose #2] Ask photographer in advance to take pics while inhaling ;)
meltonart - 2/05/2012 11:07 PM
[Choose #1] only when stable never when moving up or down in depth.
SaintsReturn - 2/05/2012 6:18 PM
[Choose #2] Let the bubbles fly
RAWalker - 2/04/2012 5:04 PM
[Choose #1] It isn’t a problem as long as you not changing depth and do it quickly.
peter2204 - 2/04/2012 10:10 AM
[Choose #2] Take me bubbles and all, but I may take my regs out if you ask nicely
Agojo - 2/04/2012 7:49 AM
[Choose #1] When stationary and not moving up or down.
Eve - 2/04/2012 7:49 AM
[Choose #2] The NO answer is from Chuck.
Greg - 2/04/2012 7:36 AM
[Choose #1] Yes I have, but only when I’m holding onto something (ie: descent line, rock, platform).