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Newbie Questiln of the Week
DiveBuddyChgo - 6/04/2009 6:31 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 42

I know its not good to smoke.. And if I can’t smoke while diving.. So I will just have to chew tobacco during my dives.. I keep it in my mask until ready to use.. But got in trouble at the training pool...So wear do I spit out the chew when I am finished ??
bluefins - 8/07/2009 9:59 PM
[Choose #4] eewww...that’s gross!
ncdiveinstructor - 8/03/2009 7:35 PM
[Choose #4] OMG !
NateNC - 7/28/2009 9:31 PM
[Choose #4] you gotta be kidding
Nesher - 7/21/2009 2:25 AM
[Choose #4] I never heard of such a thing. Sounds like task overload to me. Can’t you just wait until you get back?
MouthBreather - 7/08/2009 8:58 PM
[Choose #4] Silly goose
scubadad - 6/30/2009 7:13 AM
[Choose #4] Use a full face mask and glue a little dixie cup inside. Just don’t turn your head too fast or try doing underwater flips. It can get messy.
scubadmike - 6/28/2009 5:04 PM
[Choose #4] DISCUSTING
oceanfloor - 6/28/2009 12:46 PM
[Choose #4] quit
IMTank - 6/28/2009 9:08 AM
[Choose #4] Don’t
Zoltrac - 6/26/2009 10:32 AM
[Choose #4] Dives are not that long, wait until you are out of the water.
Pixel - 6/25/2009 7:44 AM
[Choose #4] Don’t chew tobacco on a dive? Buy spitting out in the water you are polluting!!
John_giu - 6/21/2009 4:08 PM
[Choose #4] Don’t Smoke and Dive! But I spit everything through my reg.
pmombourquette - 6/20/2009 10:38 AM
[Choose #4] Be a man, swallow your chew. I did when I was foolish enough to chew tobacco
Thunderdiver - 6/17/2009 10:30 AM
[Choose #4] Chew after your dive not during
POLISHSCUBADIVER - 6/15/2009 5:05 PM
[Choose #4] smoking and chewing kills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bigdogdown - 6/12/2009 1:13 AM
[Choose #4] SWALLOW IT!!! Then when you puke the fish will have something to eat!!
daz88 - 6/10/2009 8:55 AM
[Choose #4] wait until you’re topside!
Matt65 - 6/09/2009 6:19 AM
[Choose #4] I’m a chewer, but donot chew at all while diving
MonkeyDiver - 6/06/2009 1:06 PM
[Choose #4] Chew tobacco makes a great shark repellant. It works best if your buddy also chews, then you can rub the spit all over each other for maximum coverage. Why should sharks be any different than people?
Granitehawk - 6/06/2009 9:23 AM
[Choose #4] do not spit in your regulator the person who has to do the maintaince will not be happy if you do.
MDW - 6/06/2009 6:15 AM
[Choose #4] Don’t spit, swallow.
ArchimedesPrinciple - 6/05/2009 2:41 PM
[Choose #4] what about carry a ziploc in your bc pocket
Greg - 6/05/2009 9:51 AM
[Choose #4] Put it in your truck and wait until you’re done diving!
scubaTim50 - 6/05/2009 6:21 AM
[Choose #4] Swallow it you pussy..
DiveNClimb - 6/05/2009 5:22 AM
[Choose #4] This is a Joke...... Right
tardmaster - 6/04/2009 10:45 PM
[Choose #4] swallow it.
HogLifer - 6/04/2009 10:44 PM
[Choose #4] Very funny, I think you should stick it where nobody can see it. LOL
nauidiver - 6/04/2009 9:36 PM
[Choose #4] Don’t Chew it! haha
hardhat06 - 6/04/2009 8:59 PM
[Choose #4] dont chew
csemenko - 6/04/2009 8:30 PM
[Choose #4] Put it in your lip, keeps your mouth from getting dry, you can spit into the water and practice removing and replacing your reg at the same time..I use Jolly Ranchers to avoid dry mouth. ;)
seawolfdiving - 6/04/2009 7:02 PM
[Choose #4] swallow. eewwwwww............! Barrrfff