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Dutch Springs April 2018
mattout142 - 3/04/2018 6:26 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 21

Thinking about dive Dutch opening weekend April 7th or 8th. Anyone interested? Let me know!


advanced cert.
ChristopherBurgert - 3/06/2018 1:13 AM
I’m thinking of going Saturday the 7th. I need to test out some new gear. I might have a buddy, but wouldn’t mind an extra person.
JoeWR - 3/06/2018 11:04 PM
Hi, Matt:

I’m interested, and I’m available both days. Can’t wait for the season to start again.

Joe G.
mattout142 - 3/06/2018 11:35 PM
Sounds good I will get ahold of both of you when it gets closer!
ChristopherBurgert - 3/07/2018 4:14 PM
Sounds good.
JohnDiver123 - 3/15/2018 8:31 AM
Hoping to do a full weekend in May. April is a little early for me. Renewed my annual pass. Need details on your live aboard! Talk soon.
mattout142 - 3/15/2018 9:02 AM
Sounds good John!
OriDiver - 3/20/2018 9:54 PM
I can dive on the 8th, let me know if anyone is down...
JohnDiver123 - 3/20/2018 10:48 PM
Will do Joe.
JoeWR - 3/20/2018 11:58 PM
From OriDiver: I can dive on the 8th, let me know if anyone is down...

I can do the 8th. Hope to see you then.
IronRanger - 3/21/2018 3:27 PM
Hi Matt
I’ll try to make it the 7th (maybe also the 8th). Need to get my new drysuit in the water and see how it does in the cold. Definitely going to try to be there the weekend in May when John is there....need to see if he’s camping or living in a motel. Want to here about your dive trip, too. Maybe we’ll get to dive in a snowstorm.

mattout142 - 3/21/2018 4:02 PM
It would be great to see you Wayne.. you guys will have to let me know when your thinking about diving in may
JoeWR - 3/21/2018 8:41 PM
Hi, Wayne:
It’ll be good to see you again. Hope you can make it.

Joe G.
JoeWR - 3/21/2018 8:47 PM
Hey, Matt and everybody else:

I can dive the weekend of May 5-6 and all Memorial Day weekend. In the middle of the month (the weekends of May 12-13 and 19-20), I’ll be out of state on vacation. If I can’t meet up with you guys in May, I hope we can all set something up later in the summer. I have time off from teaching so I can do weekends or weekdays from May-end of August.

Joe G.
gmac356 - 3/28/2018 8:03 PM
Hey guys I would definitely like to meet up and do a couple dives on either the 7th or 8th. I’m available either one of those days. Drysuit, doubles, gue & Padi advanced.

JoeWR - 3/28/2018 8:36 PM
Hi, Gary:

Sure, you’re welcome to join us. I intend to be there the 7th and 8th. Hope to see you either day.

Joe G.
IronRanger - 4/04/2018 6:09 PM
Hi Guys,

Weather doesn’t look too good for Saturday (40’s and rain/snow) so I’m going to be a "no show". I’ll see you guys another day.

JoeWR - 4/04/2018 9:17 PM
That’s too bad, Wayne. Hope to see you again when the weather gets warmer.

Joe G.
JoeWR - 4/06/2018 2:56 PM
Hi, everyone:
Right now, the weather looks OK for tomorrow, so I should be at Dutch Springs around 8AM. Please message me or Matt if you’re still intending to come tomorrow or Sunday, and we can exchange cell numbers for coordination over the weekend. I hope to see everybody then.

Joe G.
mattout142 - 4/06/2018 9:21 PM
Ill be there around opening time tomorrow morning (Saturday 4-7-18) if anyone is still going.
