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Adding scuba blogs to DiveBuddy
Greg - 11/10/2012 9:18 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 20

I used to have the ability to import blogs from other sources into the Articles section on DiveBuddy. If someone maintained a blog outside of DiveBuddy, like on Blogger, it would be imported and shown on DiveBuddy. This brought scuba related articles together into one site, but it took a lot of programming to build. Do you think I should bring this feature back to DiveBuddy? Would you visit DiveBuddy to read scuba related articles brought together from multiple sources?
jg - 11/27/2012 2:47 PM
[Choose #1] more (relevent) content is always a good thing! long live divebuddy
ScubaHaven - 11/15/2012 7:44 PM
[Choose #1]
Scuba-Smurf - 11/11/2012 10:23 AM
[Choose #1] Would be a nice addition to the website, would help me visit one site for all my info rather than having different sites for different information
windwalker - 11/10/2012 6:28 PM
[Choose #1] Blogs usually have great information. I think it’s a great idea!
diverdown53 - 11/10/2012 12:44 PM
[Choose #1] I love reading other blogs!!!
RAWalker - 11/10/2012 10:30 AM
[Choose #1] As long as it is articles and isn’t additional advertizing.
Eric_R - 11/10/2012 9:57 AM
[Choose #1] Condensing information is what it’s all about . With so much information available today it’s hard visit every site to get it all. How are you planning on embbeding it into the site?