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Tips on adding Travel or Buddy Wanted topics
Greg - 3/25/2009 11:21 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 0

If you’re adding a forum topic about upcoming travel or local diving with a buddy I would suggest you format the title of the topic in the following way:

Location (ie: dive site name, city, state or country/region) and Date (or date range)

For example: If I’m looking for a buddy this weekend for the Blue Lagoon in my area, I would name the topic:

"Going to Blue Lagoon, Huntsville, TX this weekend (March 28-29)"
(without the quotes of course)

That way, when people use the search field in the forum section (that field in the top right with the magnifying glass)...the dive site name, location and date all become searchable items. The idea is that you potentially find more "lookers" that way.

I hope this tip helps. Safe diving!


Greg Davis
Owner and Member #1