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Morgan from Concord NH | Scuba Diver

I’m available most of the weekends so let me know and we’ll set it up! I would love to check out any place that has water.
Currently looking for great locations in and around NH.


Badlander316 - 12/18/2015 7:42 AM
Happy Birthday!
havoc - 12/20/2016 1:41 PM
Thanks, brother!
havoc - 5/16/2015 5:13 PM
Anyone up for a dive at CSSP next Saturday (23 May, 2015)? This will be my last TX dive as I’m moving to Maine in a couple weeks.
havoc - 6/04/2014 9:28 AM
Headed to CSSP this Sunday. Anyone want to join me?
I have a business trip and CSSP is on the way so I thought I’d stop in for a day of diving before I go.
havoc - 11/08/2013 1:51 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 3
havoc - 11/08/2013 1:17 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 1
havoc - 11/08/2013 9:34 AM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Basic Scuba Gear Quiz
Greg - 11/07/2013 3:55 PM
You are now a DB Mod, you didn’t quite meet the DB Activity # requirement (500), but I’m sure you’ll get there in no time :)

Thanks for all your help! Let me know if you ever have questions.
havoc - 11/07/2013 7:41 PM
Thanks, Greg! Pretty happy about this. Hope you and your family are doing well.
havoc - 11/07/2013 3:53 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz: Website Basics
tinahawkins - 9/14/2013 9:13 PM
Barry, we are finding that sailboat!
havoc - 9/15/2013 3:57 PM
Good luck!
Scubagirl2013 - 8/29/2013 5:22 AM

Saturday or, and Sunday are good for me. Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there :)
havoc - 8/29/2013 1:23 PM
Let’s try for Sunday, then. I’ll be there at 8am. See you there!
Scubagirl2013 - 8/30/2013 8:32 AM
Okay see u Sunday :)
havoc - 9/01/2013 12:26 AM
I might be a bit late. Had a ’catastrophe’ at work. Still sorting it out and it’s going on 2:30am. I still plan to be there, though.