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Hurricane Irma
Greg - 9/08/2017 12:35 PM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 7

To all those that have been, or are about to be, affected by Hurricane Irma, we wish you the best. Texas just got hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, now Irma is threatening our friends in Florida, the Leeward Islands and along the East Coast.

You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Please be safe!
Curtis - 9/08/2017 11:46 PM
Appreciate the thoughts, have been in prep mode for past couple of days, and checking in on friends farther south who are in for a hell of a storm (expecting Cat 2-ish here on latest track). I’m going to be riding it out at home, expecting some property damage and fending for ourselves for a short, figuring on a little break from diving.
Caloosa - 9/10/2017 6:40 AM
Thanks for thinking of us in the, not so sunshine state...most of my friends, neighbors and dive buddies have fled to higher ground...hoping for the best...long process of recovery in store. Stay safe all!
Curtis - 9/13/2017 8:50 PM
Rode it out @ home, damage relatively light, with a lot of repair and clean-up work ahead. In better shape than most.
sdweller - 10/10/2017 3:04 PM
Thanks for your thoughts...we know how much you have been going through and we are all aware here in the Keys! I’m in the upper Keys, (Key Largo)...and we fared very well...but the Lower Keys is hurting!
Bubbles7 - 2/28/2019 2:50 PM
the lower keys are still hurting I live in Big Pine and we lost many deer consider coming here for diving and you can volunteer to help too