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New to Baltimore looking for dive buddy’s and dive site recommendations
Firebuff747 - 7/20/2017 11:21 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Hi all... I’m new to Baltimore and looking to start diving around here. Generally Weekdays are best for me but I can be flexible.I haven’t found much to dive locally but I see the water every day... there has to be SOMEWHERE I can get in it.
Greg - 7/21/2017 10:22 AM
Don’t forget to check out our Scuba Earth map for Baltimore:
FrogDive0 - 7/21/2017 6:05 PM
Other options near Baltimore include Dutch Springs in PA and Lake Phoenix in VA. Both are decent sites. Dutch springs is closer but Lake Phoenix usually has better vis (imho anyways). Visibility at both varies a lot though based on students in the water. Weekdays usually have better vis for this reason. They both have several thermoclines and get below 50F at the bottom so plan your thermal protection accordingly. Both also have an on site shop with basic rentals and air fills. Hope this helps and hit me up if you need a local buddy. I’m down in southern, MD. I haven’t dived either site a lot, but am always up for getting wet.
fletch944t - 7/26/2017 11:04 AM
As @FrogDive0 pointed out, Lake Phoenix is an option but, it is a 3.5 - 4 hour dive. However, I’ve heard great things about it and will probably dive there before the summer’s out.

It probably seems strange that a guy from NC would comment about diving in the Baltimore area but, my daughter has been living in Baltimore for the past four years so, I couldn’t resist. Another option, albeit pricey, is the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Last time I checked, it was around $200 to be a guest diver there.

The National Aquarium also has a volunteer diver program where you assist in maintaining the underwater exhibits. It would require you to do some work but, at least you’d be diving. A good friend of my son-in-law is a volunteer diver at the aquarium.

If you’re interested in either of those, go to the National Aquarium home page, look for "Visit Us", then look under "Tours and Experiences" and then under "Close Encounter".

Hope this helps.