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Please help test the new site (Report Problems).
Greg - 3/30/2008 10:30 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 14

Hey dive buddies! I know some of you have experienced problems with certain parts of the new site. I would really appreciate a message from anyone that receives any kind of error. If your message is about a feature or function that was on the old site, but you can’t find on the new site...please give me about 2-3 weeks before sending me that message because I am rolling out most of the old features we used to have and lots of new ones within the coming weeks. This first stage is just to get us up and going with most of what we had before.

I really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we work through these growing pains.


Member #1
jayme - 3/30/2008 11:00 PM
Good Job but where is the spot to click on add a buddy? Or am I missing it ugh
Greg - 3/31/2008 5:35 AM
It’s in the same place as the old site...go to a member’s profile, then choose "Add To Buddy List". That link changes to "Remove From Buddy List" if the member is already on your list. Thanks. Greg.
okmister1 - 3/31/2008 10:13 AM
I’d suggest logging on with an open mind like a new member and trying to do things that they would do? How many screens or links do you have to use to get them done?
Magdalena - 4/02/2008 5:32 AM
I get an email every time someone have answered a topic I started in the forum. But I get the emails several days after someone has written the answer...

Magdalena - 4/02/2008 5:33 AM
And about the reward points it still sais Coming soon...

Greg - 4/02/2008 10:19 AM
If anyone else is noticing email delays, please let me know. I get my notifications right away so it’s hard for me to test this. Reward points are working now, please watch and make sure of that. Soon I will give everyone some extra points for the down time.
Greg - 4/02/2008 10:20 AM
Anything that says "coming soon" has not been developed yet. It’s not an error. I did it that way intentionally so you don’t get an error. Over the next few weeks everything should be done. Thanks for your patience.
scubacub1 - 4/02/2008 11:02 AM
Like the new site, like the tag change to FORUM too.
Much better.
scubacub1 - 4/02/2008 11:07 AM
Also like the way you added recent blogs and pics by buddies. Good job.
ScubaPilot - 4/08/2008 7:08 AM
I can’t seem to upload photos with the new site. I get an error: Only jpg, jpeg or png files are allowed. I’m attempting to upload a jpg file. Using Firefox on Mac OS X 10.5.2.
Magdalena - 4/09/2008 9:56 PM
My reward points still not working. Have not been working for a long long time. I am here every day logging in, and I reffered a friend who joined.... But my points does not work :-(

Greg - 4/17/2008 11:09 AM
When you select buddies in your buddy list to send a message to, it currently only works for the buddies displayed on one page. You can’t switch between pages and keep the check boxes checed. I’m going to improve the buddy messaging a bit, but letting you send a message to buddies that match a certain buddy type (ie: send a message to all buddies that are marked as Friend (Local)). You can edit the buddy type from the buddy list, but clicking Edit Buddy.