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BCD dump-valves, not part of PADI training?
Gar - 6/22/2017 9:23 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 15

On one of my open water dives for PADI Certification, I was practicing neutral buoyancy. I got above the platform and tried to reach for it, but my BCD had become too buoyant. I was going up and didn’t think to use my dump valve at the bottom of my BCD. I got help from another diver and regained neutral buoyancy. Why doesn’t PADI cover using dump valves for different orientations? My situation could have gone critical if I was further down and didn’t have help.
Eric_R - 6/22/2017 10:18 AM
My NAUI course covered it. I wonder if it’s shop specific on whether it’s covered.
Resqdivemedic - 6/22/2017 10:39 AM
I am a Divemaster at a local shop who teaches PADI and we cover it in the OW class and Peak Performance Buoyancy class.
Gar - 6/22/2017 11:53 AM
It could be the dive shop.
ELLOCODIABLO - 6/22/2017 3:58 PM
We learned that in my ow class but that was 16 yrs ago.
JohnDiver123 - 6/22/2017 4:47 PM
We covered it briefly but it’s good to practice.
Gar - 6/22/2017 9:03 PM
Thanks everyone, I plan to periodically practice so that it is automatic.
JeffNColdWater - 6/22/2017 11:39 PM
Ditto what everybody else said. It was covered in my open water class both when we were going over the gear and in the water.
Starky - 6/23/2017 4:17 PM
We did not cover it in my class. I often use my dump valve as I have trouble with my left shoulder and getting the air out. I thought I was cheating or doing something wrong but I have since seen others that use it as well. Is there a problem with using it or any potential issues? Maybe the valve getting stuck open although I have not heard of this happening.
ScoobahJim - 6/24/2017 2:13 AM
We did not cover it in my class. In fact, I got in trouble for actually using it. What’s up with that? I was finally able to actually stop floating but I got in trouble? Ugh oh well it’s in the past now
Gar - 6/24/2017 9:16 AM
First, using dump valves is not a problem. Part of the pre-dive check is to verify that the dump valves work and don’t get stuck. Next, your bottom dump valve is the only way to release air if you’re upside down. Try it next time you are out.
MDW - 10/30/2017 6:29 PM
That bottom dump valve should be your primary method of dumping gas if you are in decent swimming trim. If any agency is not teaching the use of the dump valve for dumping, they are doing a disservice to their students. Really, the main time the shoulder hose is useful is only when you are "standing up" underwater (which should be rare, but unfortunately is most of the time for OW divers taught by PADI, et. al.)

Get horizontal and put air in through the top (inflator hose) and out through the bottom (like the way food and drink goes through your body)
Jamesdownunder - 11/08/2017 10:31 PM
This sounds like an instructor error on their part. I go over every single function of every piece of equipment that my students use.
Maybe look for a better instructor for future training, best of luck to you!!
Starky - 2/07/2018 9:15 AM
I just realized something reading through these posts. My shoulder hose is my alternate air source. If I have to share air and control an ascent, my only air outlet will be the dump valve. Hopefully I never have to do this but definitely something I am going to have to practice. Don’t want to learn the hard way.