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annaceline - 7/13/2016 5:42 AM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 5

Hi divers

I am new to diving and new here. I just got open water certified with NAUI, and i am joining a school in the fall that gives me the option to take the advanced course with PADI. Can i just start the course with PADI right away? And are they going to accept that i switch over without doing more dives?
Greg - 7/13/2016 7:20 AM
Yes, since you are certified with NAUI, you can take advanced PADI courses. Just show your NAUI card to the instructor.
ram04769 - 7/13/2016 11:28 AM
Like Greg said, that shouldn’t be a problem at all. I went just the opposite way, though. My OW was a PADI course and the AOW was NAUI. Good luck and have fun!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/13/2016 12:00 PM
Ditto, I have cards from both plus YMCA. Once you have your OW card you can take courses from anyone.
Pdillard - 8/18/2016 4:10 PM
Likewise I have NAUI open water and Advanced. Im working on Rescue Diver through PADI and Im NITROX through PADI
rlander06 - 2/12/2017 9:18 PM
Naui and Padi are just agency`s and they are accepted most places worldwide just like insurance agency`s