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Scuba calculators or widgets
Greg - 7/03/2008 7:19 PM
Category: General
Replies: 7

Do you think it would be helpful if had some scuba calculators or widgets like a digital version of our dive planners OR a calc for air consumption (see recent "Air" topic about SAC) OR a calc for average weight need depending on dive conditions, your body weight and exposure?

Would these be helpful to have online? What other scuba related calculations would be cool to have? Can anyone refer me to other websites that have an online version of the rdp, wheel or other dive planners? What about weight needed...any recognized calculations for that?


GADiver - 7/04/2008 12:02 AM
I have a decent buoyancy calculator (forgot its origin).

If you want to check it out, let me know, and I can e-mail to you.
mo - 7/04/2008 3:52 AM
Greg, a SAC rate calculator would be nice, I know you guys in the US use pounds, feet and inches, can I ask that you include a calculator in litres, meters and bar.


ScouterJT - 7/04/2008 6:30 AM
SAC rate calculator would be nice
Magdalena - 7/04/2008 9:42 AM
I would love to have something like the dive blod we have today, something we can show in public, but I want it to be like a dive log, just like the log books we are filling in after the dive but I would love to do it here at

Fill in the time I jumped into the water, the depth, the time up, and the the log would calculate the letter I got after my dive by itself, and how much time I can spend on my next dive at the depth I write into the blog. Name of divebuddy, date, time, weather, everything you find in a log book including comments, but an electronic one!

Thanks Greg!
mo - 7/06/2008 5:51 AM
You can download a log-book for your pc from here I have just downloaded it and not yet had to pay for it, it may be free, or it may just be a free trial for a number of days

AirOn - 7/07/2008 3:43 PM
I use my dive computer download software from Sunnto. It tracks my SAC rate. It has a dive planning part I need to explore more.

You going to add a PADI table for dive calcs? Or do you plan to add ALL the various dive tables for all the agencies?

I think a countdown widget for dive trips and events would be cool.
Magdalena - 7/08/2008 10:29 PM

Yes but it would be nice to have it hear at divebuddy to chare it with others. Thans anyone, I will check it out.

