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Upload your Dive Log using a CSV file
Greg - 11/17/2014 10:36 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 7 supports uploading dive logs from external applications using a CSV file (ie: comma separated values). Most applications allow you to export your dive log in multiple formats. CSV is a very popular format used for transferring data.

Member’s of can visit their Dive Log and click the Upload Dive Log button in the top right Member Control Panel.

During the upload process, you will be able to define the column mapping, date format, system of units (ie: metric vs. imperial), and whether your CSV file contains a header row.

Before you upload your dive log, be sure to read the following data specifications:

- Only 200 records (rows of data) may be imported at one time. If your CSV file contains more than 200 records, please split the file into multiple, smaller files...and upload each file separately.
- Each data element should be separated with a comma.
- Each dive log record should be listed on a new line/row.
- If a data value contains a comma, the entire value should be enclosed within quotes.
- The "Number of Dives" data element indicates how many dives were conducted for a particular logged entry. If "Number of Dives" is more than 1, the "Bottom Time" data element should be a sum of all dives included. For example, if you logged a single entry for 2 dives, each with 30 mins bottom time, the "Number of Dives" would be 2, the "Bottom Time" would be 60.
- The "Add to Dive Site/Location" and "Add to Notes/Comments" data elements allow you to append the main "Dive Site/Location" and "Notes/Comment" fields with extra data.
- The "Ignore Column" option should be selected for any data columns you do not want to upload.
- You can only have one pending upload process at a time. If you exit the upload process, your progress will be saved so that you can finish the process later.

Supported Data Elements:

For "numbers only" data elements below, any text found will be removed. For example, if your value for Depth is "50ft", the "ft" will be removed.

- Bottom Time (Mins): Total bottom time. Numbers only.
- Depth (Max): The maximum depth, either in feet or meters. Numbers only.
- Dive Buddy: A list of other divers that you dove with. Text and Numbers allowed, up to 100 characters.
- Dive Date: The date of the dive. If no date is provided or date is not in the proper format, today’s date will be used.
- Dive Site/Location: The dive site or location where the dive took place. This value is added to the "Other Dive Site" field in your DiveBuddy dive log. During the upload process, you will be given the chance to associate each uploaded dive log to a dive site that is listed on Text and Numbers allowed, up to 100 characters.
- Notes/Comments: Any notes or comments from the dive. Text and Numbers allowed, up to 1800 characters.
- Number of Dives: Total number of dives conducted for a particular logged entry. Numbers only, default is 1. (Note: This is not the same thing as "Dive Number", which is used to keep track of how many dives you’ve done since you became certified. Uploading the dive number is not supported, we track your total dives differently on DiveBuddy.)
- Visibility (Avg): The average visibility of the dive, either in feet or meters. Numbers only.
- Water Temp: The temperature of the water. If you record both surface and bottom temp, pick one to upload (bottom temp is recommended). Can be either Celsius or Fahrenheit. Numbers only.
- Weight: The amount of lead weight you wore on the dive, either pounds or kilograms. Numbers only.
- Add to Dive Site/Location: Use this selection to append a value to the main Dive Site/Location value.
- Add to Notes/Comment: Use this selection to append a value to the main Notes/Comment value.

Example CSV File Format:

Date,Bottom Time,Max Depth,Viz,Weight,City,State,Zip,Description
9/1/2013,65,40,15,8,Huntsville,TX,77320,"Great dive, cool weather, good friends"
4/24/2014,45,70,20,12,Morehead City,NC,,"Fun wreck dive, lots of fish."

Assigning Dive Sites

The last step in the upload process allows you to assign each dive log to a dive site that is listed on The dive sites available in the drop down list include any dive site where you’ve selected "I’ve Been Here" or dive sites that you’re subscribed to. It is recommended that you build your list of dive sites first, before uploading your dive log. Visit "My Dive Sites" from your member drown down menu to see the list of dive sites that will be available to select from during the upload process.

You are allowed to complete the upload process without assigning dive sites to each log. Once the logs are uploaded, you can then go back later to edit each log to assign a dive site or update any values.
Eric_R - 11/17/2014 2:01 PM
This will be a great feature. Thanks Greg.
Brian_V - 11/18/2014 10:03 PM
Very Cool! Another great feature to add to this site!
lcd15000 - 7/05/2015 9:02 PM
How do I edit/delete a log entry?
Greg - 7/06/2015 6:41 AM
Click on the dive log entry to see it’s details, then click Edit This Dive Log in the top right Member Control Panel.
lcd15000 - 7/06/2015 6:57 AM
BruceWestEndRoatan - 1/05/2017 6:58 AM
I just uploaded 30+ years of info to your site, I noticed on the Download that "Other Dive Buddy:" does not exist so all the names I put in do not show up in the "Dive Buddy" field in the CSV file, however they show up in the dive log screen shot as Dive Buddy and "Other Dive Buddy" is not displayed as a field. When I used Barbados - and Maui, your site coded the water as Fresh and there is no option to correct.

Question if I correct the CSV file can I delete the entire Dive Log and upload with the corrections rather than going in line by line on the site. I do see the option to delete a log, but that is one by one.

Let me know your thoughts as the was quite easy, however time consuming to populate, but I could do error maintenance in my CSV and do a upload replace if you have that option.
Greg - 1/05/2017 2:09 PM
From Bruce3172: Question if I correct the CSV file can I delete the entire Dive Log and upload with the corrections rather than going in line by line on the site. I do see the option to delete a log, but that is one by one.

I can delete your dive log for you. Send me a private message and let me know for sure if you want your whole dive log deleted...or only dive logs between a certain date. Then you can upload again.

Also, the dive sites are editable from the dive site section of our website.