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Popular Scuba Diving Regions
Greg - 5/09/2013 8:06 AM
Category: General
Replies: 9

I need help coming up with a good list of the popular scuba diving regions throughout the world. Right now, content on DiveBuddy that is location specific is based on City/State/Country. I would like to include a Region that location content belongs to. For example, a dive site in Cayman Islands, would be listed in the Caribbean region.

Here is the list I have so far. I don’t want the list to be too specific, otherwise we might as well continue to use State/Country. So I want a good, short list of the popular scuba diving regions throughout the world. Please suggest new ones OR suggest ones that I should merge (ie: should I list Mexico separate from Central America). And should spots like Hawaii and The Red Sea belong to their own Region due to their popularity?

Atlantic Ocean
Central America
Indian Ocean
Middle East
Pacific Ocean
South America
The Red Sea
United Kingdom
United States

Check out these world maps I found online:
captcurt - 5/09/2013 9:46 AM
Well I have thought of South Pacific which would include the Phillipines and the areas around them
IslandScuba - 5/09/2013 11:30 AM
Pacific Ocean Galapagos & Coco Island
Greg - 5/10/2013 7:39 AM
From EskimoBluDay: The book "Reef Life: A Guide to Tropical Marine Life" has a great breakdown by region (Tropical Indo-Pacific, Tropical Eastern Pacific, Tropical Western Atlantic) With subdivisions within region.

Is this the list?

  • The Caribbean
  • The Hawaiian Islands
  • French Polynesia
  • The Fijian Islands
  • The Philippines and South China Sea
  • Micronesia
  • The Indonesian Archipelago
  • Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
  • The Great Barrier Reef
  • Western Thailand and Andaman Sea
  • The Maldives and Western Indian Ocean
  • The Red Sea
  • Tropical Eastern Pacific
Greg - 5/10/2013 12:41 PM
For the United States, I think I’m going with:

North East

Atlantic Coast

Florida and Keys

South West

Pacific Coast

North West



Puerto Rico

Virgin Islands
lerpy - 5/13/2013 2:26 PM
Hey Greg,

For Canada, I would break it into, East Coast, West Coast, Great Lakes/St Lawrence River

Praries as well, but i am not sure of what there is for diving there, need someone from that area as I can only think of one or two spots out there.

Greg - 5/14/2013 7:50 AM
Ok, I decided to choose a region method that would allow me to put whole countries in certain regions. Rather than requiring users to also specify a region when they enter long as they choose a country (which is required on location specific content) will fit into the regions I choose. Here is the world map with the regions I selected:

Greg - 5/14/2013 7:51 AM
Larger view of the world map with regions: