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Dive travel through
Greg - 4/15/2009 9:15 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 154

If I started offering last minute dive trips (within 45 days or less) OR other scuba travel services through, would you be interested in occasionally booking with us?
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/30/2009 9:18 AM
[Choose #3] Always looking for dive travel :)
muddiver - 4/27/2009 10:48 AM
[Choose #4] I do all my own travel arangements and I use my time share for lodging
MNDiveLady - 4/26/2009 8:19 PM
[Choose #5] I really haven’t done much travel to dive locations, usually within driving distance!
deepn2divin - 4/24/2009 7:11 PM
[Choose #3] We need someone who is in it for the divers, not just the money. From what I have seen so far from Dive Buddy, this could be just that. Thanks Greg
georoc01 - 4/24/2009 4:00 PM
[Choose #4] Would have to be a good value over what I get through other services like
wetsuitguy44035 - 4/24/2009 3:19 AM
[Choose #5] I don’t have time to travel.
ladyarkles - 4/23/2009 7:45 PM
[Choose #5] I love the idea, but am just too far away to take advantage of this service.
ChicagoVic - 4/23/2009 9:58 AM
[Choose #3] I would always take a look at opportunities that are available. If it looks good I may book
mo - 4/22/2009 4:50 PM
[Choose #1] I would, but I doubt that you could include the UK
Damieon - 4/22/2009 3:51 PM
[Choose #1] Notice is great but sometimes oppertunity for trips comes at last min. then your rushing to find a trip not already full.
DolphinLover - 4/21/2009 6:41 PM
[Choose #3] Bob & I would love to offer group discounts via our site or email us!!!
devilchaser - 4/21/2009 2:52 PM
[Choose #1] cost is a primary consideration
wetallover - 4/21/2009 1:37 AM
[Choose #3] specially great deals
Nesher - 4/20/2009 9:29 PM
[Choose #3] Sounds like a great idea to me.
CalebL - 4/20/2009 11:22 AM
[Choose #4] No, But I would like to see an area for charter company’s to list day trip prices, save me the time calling places beforehand.
scubadad - 4/20/2009 10:31 AM
[Choose #4] Don’t really travel that much.
stevemedic - 4/19/2009 3:26 PM
[Choose #5] ur abit far away sorry
oceanbound - 4/19/2009 1:09 PM
[Choose #3] possibility, price and location would be the factors
Flipper78754 - 4/19/2009 12:03 PM
[Choose #3] Depends on pricing
Auggie - 4/19/2009 10:00 AM
[Choose #3] This is a cool thing!!
scuba4fun - 4/19/2009 6:54 AM
[Choose #3] Having a known single source for travel planning would be helpful.
scubachick76 - 4/18/2009 8:33 PM
[Choose #5] Needs to be Really Affordable & for me I need plenty of time.
Opus - 4/18/2009 8:06 PM
[Choose #5] Maybe not at this tiime:but: ideas and desires might make such a service worthwhile. Distance can also be a thing1
DebbyDiver - 4/18/2009 8:24 AM
[Choose #4] usually go on dive trips with my dive club. This year however, I "won" a trip on a well-known luxury liveaboard at a silent auction for just $800, can’t beat that!!!!
charstew - 4/17/2009 9:41 PM
[Choose #5] Sure but I already have a coz trip booked I would look at future trips. I need to get away alot..
ohioyscuba - 4/17/2009 2:24 PM
[Choose #4] I would use the dive shop where I work.
ScubaDubaDo - 4/17/2009 12:17 PM
[Choose #5] I would be willing to check it out and compare prices...
LONGTAILBDA - 4/17/2009 10:27 AM
[Choose #3] if the price and time are right
Zig - 4/17/2009 9:50 AM
[Choose #4] I usually book everything myself
scubaTim50 - 4/17/2009 7:29 AM
[Choose #1] I can get away anytime on short notice.. would love to go on a "cheap" dive trip..less then 1 week notice is fine if the price is right..
cricket - 4/17/2009 6:52 AM
[Choose #3] Need to be really affordable!
RAWalker - 4/17/2009 1:50 AM
[Choose #5] My wife and I trade our timeshares to locations we want to do and then book our diving separately
Polar - 4/16/2009 10:27 PM
[Choose #5] being in the USAF sattioned in japan would make that very hard
DiveBuddyChgo - 4/16/2009 10:01 PM
[Choose #5] I have curtailed my $2K a week dive trips with this economy.. But more trips within the states
tjbrowndiver - 4/16/2009 9:58 PM
[Choose #3] If the price is right I don’t care who I book with.
divemaiden - 4/16/2009 7:06 PM
[Choose #5] depends on other trips I planned and avail vaca time(& if I still have a job), eg started planning Sept 09 trip in July 08 & have trip planned for Sept 10 already
steelheadfish - 4/16/2009 8:37 AM
[Choose #4] if i dive i drive dont leave the state of washington when on vacation
Tsmith0711 - 4/16/2009 4:31 AM
[Choose #5] It would be hard to book. We prefer, when traveling, to meet the people first. Also, we prefer not to have alot of people on a boat dive. Usually 8 or less.
csemenko - 4/15/2009 9:40 PM
[Choose #3] When possible I prefer helping out buddies...if the savings are close I’ll choose a buddy.
Linda - 4/15/2009 7:24 PM
[Choose #5] I am a dive travel agent
Jed - 4/15/2009 7:02 PM
[Choose #4] I plan my diving around vacations with my wife.
Indiana - 4/15/2009 6:58 PM
[Choose #3] all depends how good of a deal
Coho - 4/15/2009 6:34 PM
[Choose #4] I’m unlikely to travel for scuba.
ScubaSystems - 4/15/2009 5:28 PM
[Choose #5] No I book my travel elsewhere.
Catman - 4/15/2009 3:06 PM
[Choose #3] I usually stay booked on my trips, but i’m always up for going somewhere.
ladv1955 - 4/15/2009 2:26 PM
[Choose #5] not yet
theop - 4/15/2009 2:12 PM
[Choose #3] affordable is the key ...
Argonaut - 4/15/2009 1:05 PM
[Choose #5] would consider any trip offerings posted depending on all the details
ArchimedesPrinciple - 4/15/2009 12:48 PM
[Choose #3] Book em Dano
Scubaskip - 4/15/2009 12:27 PM
[Choose #5] I book with Singles New Years Cruises once a year to Scuba in the Caribbean.
SEAHUNT - 4/15/2009 10:22 AM
Magdalena - 4/15/2009 10:00 AM
[Choose #3] Can we make comments on trips, to chare with everyone?
Pixel - 4/15/2009 9:40 AM
[Choose #3] shout when in SA. hehehe
MonkeyDiver - 4/15/2009 9:35 AM
[Choose #3] Good travel deals are always welcome.