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WHAT do you to to HELP SAVE OUR OCEANS and sealife
DiveGirl55 - 9/25/2008 2:37 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 43

EVERY little bit helps. Me, I cut up the soda can holder thingys (the plastic) so it doesn’t get wrapped around the necks of sealife and birds. I also support and donate to REEFCHECK Foundation and to the OCEAN CONSERVANCY. I also donate to help BANNING SHARK FINNING and the killing of sharks. I also have a PETITION against the Georgia Aquarium to relasing the WHALESHARKS. I don’t eat ANY SEAFOOD either.
GIS-Rockstar - 11/08/2008 1:40 AM
[Choose #4] Beach cleanups aren’t just for weekend groups!!
Hels - 10/29/2008 7:12 AM
[Choose #1] I eat seafood (part of diving is eyeing up your dinner...) but only if its been caught in an eco way
bobfish - 10/26/2008 10:54 PM
[Choose #1] I donate my time to the Ocean Conservancy, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Tampa Bay Watch
rustymich - 9/30/2008 7:24 AM
[Choose #5] I love sea food
Greg - 9/26/2008 2:53 PM
[Choose #5] I stay neutrally buoyant, so I don’t disturb anything.
scubaTim50 - 9/26/2008 8:23 AM
[Choose #5] I try not to pee in the ocean.. Does that count ?
RAWalker - 9/26/2008 2:58 AM
[Choose #5] I donate, recycle and do cleanup dives
GB - 9/25/2008 8:24 PM
[Choose #1] I do what I can, be it a little money, labor,
divershaun - 9/25/2008 8:11 PM
[Choose #5] i dont buy seafood from the grocery store, i get my own.
lreese2 - 9/25/2008 7:24 PM
[Choose #4] I work at a Wastewater treatment plant. I make sure the water is clean enough for the bay
Matt65 - 9/25/2008 6:58 PM
[Choose #1] I donate to organizations, and my recycling is improving
MonkeyDiver - 9/25/2008 5:35 PM
[Choose #5] Work kelp restoration and other research projects in CA,
scubadad - 9/25/2008 4:23 PM
[Choose #1] Also participate/coordinate in beach/underwater cleanups
Smeagol - 9/25/2008 3:21 PM
[Choose #2] I also collect any garbage I find while on a dive, and bring to the surface for disposal.