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Clearwater or Daytona?
massdiver - 3/09/2011 11:19 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I am going to be in Orlando the last week of March. I am trying to decide on diving in Daytona Beach or Clearwater/Tampa. Any suggestions from you Florida ocean divers? I am not a spearfisher and prefer wreck diving or as last resort, reef diving. I am also looking for a dive buddy this week. 
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/14/2011 5:37 AM
 Given those choices I’d drive a little farther south for some drift diving on West Palm’s wrecks and reefs. I’ll be visiting my son next month who lives west of Orlando and we’ll be swinging thru WPB to do somes dives while there :) 
massdiver - 3/14/2011 3:13 PM
How about Jupiter? I am thinking of sliding down there, it’s only 2.5 hours from Orlando.