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New Rule for DiveBuddy (re: posting ads and offers)
Greg - 1/05/2011 11:06 AM
Category: General
Replies: 11

I am proposing a new "rule" for DiveBuddy when it comes to posting ads and offers if you’re a dive company or retailer.

If you post a forum topic or blog article to sell something (ie: gear, travel, training, etc.) that you profit from (ie: travel agent, dive center, instructor, etc.)...then one of two conditions must be met:

1. You provide a 10% or more discount off regular prices to DiveBuddy members (offer can be exchanged for reward points from members, so you can use towards advertising on DiveBuddy). For example: if you normally sell something for $100 (as advertised by your website or other media), you will provide DiveBuddy members a 10% or more discount. If you are having a general "sale" and prices are marked down for everyone, DiveBuddy members get an additional 10% or more discount.


2. You are a professional lifetime member of DiveBuddy.

In either case, no more than one post per week will be permitted from the same member/organization.

If the conditions above are not met, the content will be removed by DiveBuddy moderators. If continued violations occur, your entire profile may be removed.

What do you all think of this new rule? Is it fair to everyone?

Thank you,

Greg Davis
Owner and Member #1
RAWalker - 1/06/2011 1:38 AM

It sounds appropriate to me as long as this isn’t effective to those of us that want to sell our used gear unless the seller starts to act like a used gear dealer/broker (regularly moving used gear for profit)
diverdown53 - 1/06/2011 6:00 PM
Sure works for me!!!!

Thanks Greg!!!

diverray - 1/09/2011 4:22 AM
I agree with your plan.
csemenko - 1/09/2011 4:27 AM

Sounds Fair to me.

Does this apply to Dive Professionals / shops who post on their profiles or club profile "classes offered, equipment available, etc."?
scubaman - 1/10/2011 9:52 AM

How do I become a member?

Greg - 1/10/2011 10:15 AM
From scubaman:

How do I become a member?

To become a member, click the Membership link on the Home Page (it’s next to your profile photo). A lifetime membership on DiveBuddy is only $75 (for scuba divers, more if you’re a professional member) and you can send a lot more messages, upload a lot more photos and send a bulk email to the top 50 members in a search results (great if you’re trying to organize a club or dive event in a certain area).
Greg - 1/10/2011 10:17 AM
From csemenko:

Sounds Fair to me.

Does this apply to Dive Professionals / shops who post on their profiles or club profile "classes offered, equipment available, etc."?

No, that wouldn’t apply if you’re posting info on your own profile or the calendar of events. Only the Forum and Blog section really. You can do whatever you want on your own profile. And you can link to your own profile from any other website also to promote it.
scubaman - 1/10/2011 10:45 AM

I’m trying to be a member. Won’t let me on!

Has to do with my Adobe Acrobat Reader it says.

Don’t know how to turn it off!

oceanbound - 1/11/2011 10:30 PM
sounds fair to me
scubaman - 1/12/2011 12:34 AM
It makes scense, if your not an Ambassador. I think Ambassador’s can bring more to and if they are not being paid then they should have more privalages.
Flipper78754 - 12/19/2011 6:56 AM
Sound like a fair new rule.
