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Demo re-breather at Dutch Springs this weekend (Oct 16th and 17th)
Greg - 10/13/2010 8:38 AM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 4

I know this is last minute...but some of you may be able to make it...

A good friend of mine, Jerry Price with Poseidon, will be at Dutch Springs this weekend (Oct 16th and 17th) offering a demo of a "plug and play" re-breather. If you’re not busy this weekend, I highly recommend you go check it out.

Call 281-465-8600 for more information (let them know you’re with DiveBuddy) or if you’re on site at Dutch Springs this weekend, call Jerry’s cell at 713-805-1171.

Tell Jerry you know Greg at DiveBuddy! Make sure to take pics with him to post on your profile. And let me know what you think of the re-breather.

I’m checking with Dutch Springs about a discount this weekend for DiveBuddy members, but I haven’t heard from them yet. So just in case, when you check in, mention you’re with DiveBuddy and check to see if they’ll give you a discount (don’t be upset with them if they say no...because this is sort of last minute).

Here is a brief article that Melanie at Poseidon wrote about this event:

Here is some info on the MK6 re-breather:

Greg Davis
Owner and Member #1

Greg - 10/13/2010 8:40 AM
For more info on Dutch Springs, here is their dive site listing:
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/14/2010 7:25 AM
Now if only they had scheduled this to coincide with DUI, Whites and Leisure Pro’s demo dives at Dutch, you wouldn’t need to schlep any of your own gear to Bethlehem :)
AOW_dude - 10/14/2010 11:21 AM
This should be even more fun than the stuff I tried (see my last blog) because KISS and rEvo rebreathers are not quite as "plug and play" as Poseidon is.
ANUWCNJ - 10/19/2010 2:16 PM

Met Jerry, tried the rebreather, both very nice. I wish I had to money for the rebreather, it was to best one I’ve tried so far.
