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Looking to buy a new BCD
scubachick76 - 1/25/2010 2:59 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 16

Hey All, I’m looking at buying a new BC this year. I have always had a jacket style but I am looking at the back inflate as well. I need something that will last me (rouged/strong/durable/comfortable/proper lift). Weight of the BC really does not matter so I do not need a BC for travel. I prefer to have pockets that are large & easy ascess (more forward), & need at least 3 D rings. Brands that I like have been ScubaPro Mares, Oceanic, Zeagle, & now Hollis. I am a larger diver and I most likely will not be able to try out a BC before buying one. In our area we are limited to what is provided & serviced. My skills are greatly improving & I am starting to want to expand in my skills & diving new/better areas. So with that being said. I have had my eye on the Oceanic Probe LX, but my local dive shop recommended the new Hollis HD 100. How will the back inflate change my diving besides pushing me forward on the surface. The cost is $569.99 for the Hollis. Really not sure what to choose especially when you cannot try any of them out in water before purchase. I am leaning towards the Hollis but I am open to others. Any other suggestions will be great. Thanks!
oceanfloor - 1/25/2010 6:16 PM
Hi, I have the Bella by ScubaPro....luv it!
BgDmbRngr - 1/25/2010 6:30 PM
Well I use back inflates and very much prefer them over jackets. You can trim the bladders to your profile and IMHO it makes a world of differance for me and my bouyancy control.
madlobster - 1/25/2010 7:07 PM

Are both sold by your LDS? That will come in to play for servicing and warranties.
RAWalker - 1/25/2010 9:54 PM

The backinflate faceplant is really a newbie use error. The first thing you need to be aware of is that a BC is only supposed to float your head above water and this only when you are conscious.

BCs are not Coast Guard approved floatation devices.

That said the problem is that people get used to the fact that most standard jacket style BC will get you higher out of the water if you overinflate. With a back inflator style jacket this is what causes the faceplant. So to avoid the faceplant simply do not inflate past the point were your head is out of the water unless you want to lean all the way onto your back.
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/26/2010 11:35 AM

 If you are thinking about back inflate then why not a backplate and wing, better balance and you just need to change the wing if damaged or worn. With a simple hog harness you can have as many D-rings as you want, add pockets from OMS or DiveRite and it will even fit if your wetsuit shrinks :)

The best part and the reason your LDS don’t like them is you can mix brands and they will grow with your diving. A FredT backplate from online that you finish yourself, I have a 6# one for cold water and a plastic one from DSS for travel. Add a wing from anyone, DeepSea Supply (my Favorite), Hollis, DiveRite or whoever. Even LP has them! The harness is just a weightbelt strap or an old seatbelt if you would like it softer.

Ditto on the trim, don’t overinflate a back inflate, move your weights back and you won’t do a faceplant.
OcalaJim - 1/26/2010 11:35 AM
I am a larger person and I use the OMS Larry Green Signature Series (look here: OMS - Larry Green) and I LOVE the free feeling. I added pockets to mine, too. My buoyancy control has vastly improved, too.
scubachick76 - 1/26/2010 12:52 PM
My regular dive buddy just bought himself an OMS with all the individual parts so I do understand about the mix & match up. Not sure though if that is a great idea for me but I will start to look at this option. OMS & Dive Rite are available at my LDS so that would work. I like the idea of putting it together to suite the individual that’s using it & just replacing parts you need is great as well. Just asking has anyone tried the new Hollis HD100 or owns one? The only brands available around here are Scubapro, Oceanic, Sherwood, OMS, Dive Rite, Genesis, Zeagle & maybe TUSA. I have found that I also like the design & the set up of the Aeris Oceans 5? Anyone have any input on this model? It’s not available at my LDS but I like the review it got. Please feel free to share your advice & thanks to everyone who as weighed in! I’m looking at every option.
scubachick76 - 1/26/2010 12:56 PM

Thanks for sending the link for the Larry Green OMS. Look for a message from me in your DB inbox. Thanks! 
jimran - 1/27/2010 6:21 AM
OMS you will never need another 100lbs lift real nice BC for the money you can anything you want its made to do all
billfort - 1/28/2010 10:20 AM

If you haven’t already bought the Hollis, you might want to check out this recent post on DiveBuddy about some people who’ve had problems with it:



waterlogged - 1/28/2010 7:38 PM
Pssst......scubychicky, why don’t you try mine then you will know!
greysquirrel - 1/28/2010 8:31 PM

I have an Oceanic Probe and I love it. It’s the only one I have ever owned but I have never had a single problem with it. It is plenty of pocket space and rings for equipment. I have never had any problems getting into the pockets either under water or on top. The fit is good for me and would recommend it to anyone. Of course that is my opinion, if at all possible you really should try on any BCD that you are planning on buying.
scubachick76 - 1/31/2010 3:17 AM
From billfort:

If you haven’t already bought the Hollis, you might want to check out this recent post on DiveBuddy about some people who’ve had problems with it:

Hey Thanks for this link Bill.


hopeinvalor - 2/02/2010 11:55 PM
Ray (Latitude Adjustment) hit the nail on the head. If you’re contemplating back inflation, backplate is the way to go. The harness can be adjusted to whatever your size is. The only thing to consider is if you’re short in height, you may want to look into a short backplate. As far as positioning of your body on the surface, there’s no real difference between my first jacket BC and my current backplate setup. Plenty of times, I floated on my back wearing the backplate with a wing.

Many people are paranoid about the whole "What if you’re unconscious"? A) That’s what a good, competent, responsible buddy is for. B) Let’s give ourselves the best advantage with high quality equipment, competent training, sufficient practice and ample preparation/planning to minimize the risks.

One final point I’d like to make is an entire backplate package will be a little more pricy. But you can pick and choose which manufacturers you want to use.
scubachick76 - 2/03/2010 12:20 AM
From hopeinvalor: Ray (Latitude Adjustment) hit the nail on the head. If you’re contemplating back inflation, backplate is the way to go. The harness can be adjusted to whatever your size is. The only thing to consider is if you’re short in height, you may want to look into a short backplate. As far as positioning of your body on the surface, there’s no real difference between my first jacket BC and my current backplate setup. Plenty of times, I floated on my back wearing the backplate with a wing.

Many people are paranoid about the whole "What if you’re unconscious"? A) That’s what a good, competent, responsible buddy is for. B) Let’s give ourselves the best advantage with high quality equipment, competent training, sufficient practice and ample preparation/planning to minimize the risks.

One final point I’d like to make is an entire backplate package will be a little more pricy. But you can pick and choose which manufacturers you want to use.


This is great advise but one more thing. I have had an older jacket style since I started diving in 2006. I have waited for a long time to treat myself to a new bc w/the quick release weights. Now I have the money to get a new bc & from what I can tell the harness w/back plate do not have built in weights. I currently distribute my weights (some in pockets of my bc/2 tank weights I added for trim/some in weight belt). How does the the harness style work when it comes to weights or do you use a weight belt? I could ask my local shop but have not had time to call & discuss this &/or I don’t want to be know how dive shops are. Thanks so much for the help everyone!
scubachick76 - 2/08/2010 1:40 PM
Ok with all the feedback, advice from other divers, & just chatting I have decided on a set up. I’m going with the Hollis Elite 2 harness, S Series bladder 25 lift & the Hollis harness 20 lb QLR weight system. I got a good feeling about this set up. I want to thank ALL of you that rang in on this subject. DSDO!