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Dutch Springs June 23 or 24
Glorimarie - 6/12/2016 3:22 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

I’m from MA, but will be in the area for a few days visiting family. A friend here just visited and said the diving was super cool, so thought I’d check it out, but don’t have the dreaded "solo cert". Anyone planning to dive Thurs or Fri the 23rd or 24th?
armaniballesteros - 6/19/2016 8:14 AM
I can do both days
Glorimarie - 6/23/2016 2:27 PM
If you’re still interested, We’re meeting at admissions at 9:45. I might get there a few minutes earlier to scope it out.
Glorimarie - 6/23/2016 2:27 PM
That’s for tomorrow, Friday. 😊