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North Carolina Info Wanted
Caloosa - 5/22/2006 10:58 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 1

I`m interested in getting info from divers and/or operators from North Caolina on diving any of the NC coastal waters and the Outer Banks areas. Interested in getting to see U 352 and other wrecks. Also, if anyone can recommend someone for spearfishing trips in North Carolina , that would be helpful. Recommendations of operators to use anywhere on the NC coast would be appreciated.
Greg - 5/23/2006 5:16 PM
Hey, I just got back from a trip to NC. I went diving for three days straight with my dad. We dove the Indra, Novelty and Liberty (Theodore Parker). If you own your own boat, these are great dives since they are closer in. The viz at the Indra was over 40`. The viz at the others was only about 20`, but still good for me. Check out this website: There is plenty of info there about the wrecks off the coast of North Carolina. You will need to get a wreck anchor if you are using your own boat as they don`t use moorings. Just locate the spot on your gps, fine tune the location with your bottom fish finder, then "fish" for the wreck with the`ll know when you get it. Check out the blog on my profile for more info.