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Blue Heron Bridge Status is Good
Caloosa - 10/17/2018 8:21 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Conditions at the Blue Heron Bridge were very nice for my dive yesterday Viz was over 25 feet for most of the dive, and under the East Bridge span it was even better. Plenty of sea life creatures, tropicals, and larger fish to be spotted along the entire length of the "snorkel trail". Water temperature was 82 degrees and overall conditions were great under the surface. A pleasant surprise after the raping of the waters by the Marine Labs from Texas and Texas A & M University. Apparently, the FWC is going to be changing it’s permitting process in the future for taking specimens. There is a movement to totally ban the taking of specimens also pressuring the State of Florida to end the practice at the Blue Heron Bridge site. Yayyyy!!
donburde - 10/18/2018 1:13 PM
I want to dive this bridge in the next couple of weeks. Have never been. Is there a particular spot you have to enter? Any local info that I should know about this bridge? I’m down in fort lauderdale.
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/18/2018 3:33 PM
From donburde: Is there a particular spot you have to enter?

When you park you’ll be right next to the bridge, you’ll see other divers suiting up. If it’s a weekend a lot of divers suiting up!

Entry is under the bridge, you can not enter or exit in the swimming area! You go either to the right of it and swim out or walk east on the beach and enter near the east span.

sdweller - 10/19/2018 3:32 PM
This is so good to hear, the Red Tide was worrisome...not sure how it missed but glad it did!