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needs advice on what dive computer to buy
popojeb - 10/20/2010 5:38 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 19

i need some advice on what dive computer to buy.. my choice is between suunto D4 or oceanic geo 2.0

any advice will be greatly appreciated.. thanks
Smithsgold - 10/20/2010 6:54 PM

I have a Oceanic VEO 100 NX and just love it !!!!!

Most all my gear is Oceanic...


jimran - 10/20/2010 7:20 PM
Sunnto cobra does it all had for 8 years with no problems
JoePagano - 10/20/2010 10:55 PM

Have the Geo 2.0, works great, neat wrist package, except for air it is full function and Nitrox capable.

But as soon as I save up the cash for next season the Geo will be backup to the Atomic "Cobalt". Wow, now this is the Gold Standard. Crazy functionality and getting rave reviews.
AOW_dude - 10/21/2010 9:18 AM
From Smithsgold:

I have a Oceanic VEO 100 NX and just love it !!!!! Most all my gear is Oceanic...


Also, check out DiveComputerTraining for some ideas on which one to get. They got simulators and online training classes for lots of different computers, too.
Greg - 10/21/2010 10:16 AM
There are many forum topics on about "dive computers". When you’re in the Forum area, do a search in the upper right text box for "dive computers" and you’ll get many results.

Here is a direct link to the search results:
OcalaJim - 10/21/2010 12:02 PM
I have the Suunto Vyper - for 6 years now and it is great - still has the original battery even!!
diverray - 10/21/2010 5:07 PM
I also have a Vyper, for about 7 years. I have had no trouble with it. I does air and EANx, but does not tell air pressure in tank. I did not get the pc connector, so I can’t comment on that issue.
popojeb - 10/21/2010 5:33 PM
thank you very much for all the advice..
RAWalker - 10/21/2010 6:06 PM

I’m not a fan of Sunnto. I’ve found them to be more conservative then necessary. I use wireless air integrated computers and I don’t like the way that Sunnto’s models sync.

On the other hand I do like the way Oceanic wireless computers require you to preprogram the transmitter’s serial number into the PDC. It eliminates the problems of the Sunnto system.

Most of Oceanic’s models have a conservative setting you can program if you should need it. This should be considered by those that a leaning towards the Sunnto because they have heard it is more conservative. I prefer not being required to be more conservative with Oceanic models it is my choice.

Cost and sales model should also be considered. I choose not the purchase from manufacturers that require a MARP sales agreement from their dealers. MARP requires dealers not to sell below the Manufacturer Approved Retail Price. Sunnto is a MARP company and as such if you purchase below the MARP price usually from an Unauthorized Dealer you may loose warranty coverage.

Oceanic is a MAP company. MAP requires dealers to not advertize prices below the MSRP but allows dealers to discount as they see fit. As long as you purchase from an authorized dealer you retain the factory warranty.

Between my wife and I we own 4 Oceanic PDC and they all work great. We have 2 Atom 2.0, a VT Pro and a VT3. I have also had Atom 1.0 models and except for short battery life no problem on those either.
popojeb - 10/22/2010 2:52 PM
From RAWalker:

I’m not a fan of Sunnto. I’ve found them to be more conservative then necessary. I use wireless air integrated computers and I don’t like the way that Sunnto’s models sync.

On the other hand I do like the way Oceanic wireless computers require you to preprogram the transmitter’s serial number into the PDC. It eliminates the problems of the Sunnto system.

Most of Oceanic’s models have a conservative setting you can program if you should need it. This should be considered by those that a leaning towards the Sunnto because they have heard it is more conservative. I prefer not being required to be more conservative with Oceanic models it is my choice.

Cost and sales model should also be considered. I choose not the purchase from manufacturers that require a MARP sales agreement from their dealers. MARP requires dealers not to sell below the Manufacturer Approved Retail Price. Sunnto is a MARP company and as such if you purchase below the MARP price usually from an Unauthorized Dealer you may loose warranty coverage.

Oceanic is a MAP company. MAP requires dealers to not advertize prices below the MSRP but allows dealers to discount as they see fit. As long as you purchase from an authorized dealer you retain the factory warranty.

Between my wife and I we own 4 Oceanic PDC and they all work great. We have 2 Atom 2.0, a VT Pro and a VT3. I have also had Atom 1.0 models and except for short battery life no problem on those either.

does all models of oceanic dive comp have a short battery life?
RAWalker - 10/22/2010 6:18 PM

I only had battery life problems with the Atom 1.0 although Oceanic has made it clear that the quality of some of the coin batteries on the market is below par and only high quality batteries should be used.

It was explained to me that the Atom 1.0 had a single processor that was shared to function as a PDC and watch. The Atom 2.0 has separate processors for PDC and watch function and uses significantly less power when notbeing used as a PDC.

I’ve used Varta, Duracell and Eveready batteries in my other computers and the battery life seems reasonable depending on the frequency of use.
joeyro16 - 10/23/2010 10:18 AM
have used my suunto mosquito for 6 years, wouldn’t trade it for anything. bought one for my son and another for a friend
JillCW - 10/23/2010 9:13 PM
I agree Suunto is a more conservative alogorithm.....but that’s not necessary a bad thing. I think Suunto is a solid brand for instrumentation.....if I was an alpineer I’d probably chose the same brand. Had a cobra for years and loved it. I do not good warm and fuzzies about Oceanic for any gear quality. D4 is a basic computer so wireless transmission not a issue. I think you’ll find a lot of divers on a budget diving a d4 for years...good for free diving too, not gaudy, solid product.
SCUBASMITTY - 10/24/2010 2:12 PM
I will stick with my galileo SOL - way more comp then I need but it is programmable and update-able that I probably won’t need any other.. but I do have a back up an OMS bottom timer uwatec is for me cockran is,, I AM TOLD by a techie friend, is a good top line re-breather, custom program algorithmic comp... depends on how you dive !
obxdiving - 10/24/2010 8:50 PM
I can not tell which computer to buy however I can say don’t buy Scubapro or anything electronic made by a company associated with Scubapro no matter how great people might say they are . Don’t trust your life to their computers.
diverray - 10/24/2010 11:12 PM
Is there a story you would like to share about this?
SCUBASMITTY - 10/25/2010 2:44 AM
From obxdiving: I can not tell which computer to buy however I can say don’t buy Scubapro or anything electronic made by a company associated with Scubapro no matter how great people might say they are . Don’t trust your life to their computers.


scubamandy - 11/02/2010 11:06 PM
I have the Suunto Cobra as problems here either. Only I think I’m gonna take the compass off and mount it to my wrist. Much easier that way I think.
ScubaGuy_CA - 11/04/2010 2:21 AM
Another vote for the Suunto Cobra line. I have the Cobra with the compass attachment. I love it and the software that comes with it. Easy to use both. BUT, I haven’t tried any other computers. I’ve been using mine for 4 years.