This is my Dive Buddy and good friend Hobie Brewer. While we were at Cozumel last week Hobie got a call from his wife to come home. I could not even imagine having the time of my life diving and finding out this horrible news.
Hobie has a little boy named Sammy. He is 7 months old and was diagnosed with a rare liver cancer. This specific liver cancer is so rare for children that only 1 or 2 cases are identified each year nationally.
On this Tuesday morning, June 23rd, little Sammy will undergo surgery and have half of his liver removed. If successful he will be on a morphine drip for 10 to 12 days and then enter directly to chemo. If he is able to successfully complete the chemo, he will more than likely abate the disease from entering his little brain and lungs and stand a much stronger chance of survival.
Sammy is very sick and needs a lot of prayers for him and his family. Since Feb his parents have taken him to doctors who said it was just "a hernia" and another doc said "it was gas". His parents had to fight with the doctors offices just to get appointments as doctors said that "they only see well babies." finally his parents took Sammy to a Charleston, WV area doctor and within a few days, little Sammy was finally correctly diagnosed. Diagnosis to surgery will be 8 days. so very fast once it was discovered. Charleston, WV docs said he more than likely developed the disease in the womb. So he was born with it, but went undetected.
I am beside myself with worry for the little fellow as he is so gravely ill. My friend Hobie was laid off from the coal mines from southern, WV and works part-time as a firefighter and as the firefighter teams rescue diver. It is very unfortunate and I ask that if everyone pray for little Sammy that he will recover and as well, please pray for his family to be delivered from this awful ordeal.
Please, with all your heart, send your prayer request to little baby Sammy located in Charleston, WV. Even if you are not sure if you believe in the power of prayer, or if you question your own spirituality, or if you feel silly. Please take a moment to ask God to heal little Sammy with all your earnestness. please, it must work. When all is said and done. God does and is listening.
Thanks so much and please pass this along,
Bill Stewart