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IDC Day 5
KevinD - 8/12/2008 7:57 PM
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Category: Educational
Comments: 3
IDC Day 5 Day 5 Tuesday:
Today there was more classroom and more pool. The skills are getting better as are the presentations. Jason scored the first 5, and as far as I know the only one so far. Hope it does not go to his head. But that is why I am here to keep him in reality. We had one that gave bad info. Messed up on how to buddy breath. Said he read it wrong in the book. Still, it goes back to the 20 skills. Class room lectures on PADI Con Ed and other instruction.
Tomorrow is more of the same. Rescue skills and presentations and class room presentations.
Here is a picture of the EASE house.


BoomerNJ - 8/13/2008 3:54 PM

Thanks for the blog! I’m also finding it very interesting. I am curious why you chose EASE over another IDC? Not that I have any experience, but I eventually want to plan a vacation around getting my DM, maybe next year. I would like someplace in Florida, that’s why I ask.


ghostdiver - 8/13/2008 2:58 PM
Kudo’s for Jason!!!!! And good luck to you keeping it from going to his head!
Aimlow321 - 8/12/2008 11:10 PM


Thanks for these blogs. I’m finding them interesting and educational.