Hello All,
I have been studying the Nortwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument (Papahanaumokuakea). I think that it is great that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush created this monument and the bureaucrocy to manage these reefs and small islands which includes Midway Island (Battle of Midway, USN vs. IJN, June 1942).
But, I am having a huge problem with the extremely restrictive regulations that are in effect for this chain of reefs and islands that span nearly 1,000 nautical miles. SCUBA divers on a self-contained and non-polluting USCG inspected vessel, which by law must be operated by Master Mariners, cannot visit these islands and reefs.
If you are not a scientist or a National Geographic type photo/video journalist you are not allowed within 50 nautical miles of these reefs and islands.
As you know, most of us SCUBA divers are very ecologically aware. As a group, SCUBA divers are very careful and extremely interested in keeping our oceans and reef systems healthy.
I happen to be an x-professional mariner (still licensed as a Master Mariner) and I have been communicating with the permitting bureaucrocy about gaining access to the islands for a group of non-hunting SCUBA divers. Their reply: NO RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES!
Again, you as a law abiding taxpayer are not allowed to visit these islands and reefs!
I am sickened when an elitist government saves public land and international water for the ruling class.
What do you think?
mark mudgett |