Looking for a dive buddy in Saint Martin/Sint Maarten
Wordizbon - 11/06/2024 8:24 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

I will be in the country from 11/23 to 11/30 and hoping to get 3 good days of diving out of it. I haven’t found a dive operator yet and am open to anyone with great suggestions. If anyone is on the island and looking to dive, please let me know.

I am an AOW certified diver but I am still a novice diver with just under 20 dives, just to put that out there. I’m comfortable in the water and fine with going to depths but I haven’t done anything in a wreck and probably wouldn’t attempt it until I go for that cert. FYI.
Smithsgold - 11/07/2024 8:39 PM
Good Luck have a Great trip I would love to see picture when you get back !!!!
Jcwi - 11/28/2024 10:54 AM
I’ve been to the island twice but never booked any dives. Snorkeled there, St Barts, and Pinel island all beautiful. Would like to hear more about your experience.