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Happy New Year 2017
Eric_R - 12/31/2016 2:37 PM
Category: General
Replies: 7

Happy New Year to all DiveBuddy members. I hope the year brings you great dives.
ram04769 - 1/01/2017 12:13 AM
Thank you Eric! I hope you have a great and safe New Year as well!! Happy Diving!!
DMDave - 1/01/2017 6:34 AM
Happy New Year to you and all my fellow dive buddies.
Hogfish1 - 1/01/2017 7:42 AM
Happy Hangover!!!!!
Smithsgold - 1/01/2017 10:37 AM
Happy New Year !!!!!
ram04769 - 1/02/2017 3:01 AM
From Greg: Time for a polar bear swim in Barton Springs in Austin!

You can come do a Polar bear swim in Maine too, if you want. LOL.