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US Virgin Islands Diving and Resort Information Request
TXwaterdog - 7/01/2016 4:14 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Hello DB’s. Planning a trip to US Virgin Islands later this year. Considering going to all three Islands. Looking for references as to dive shops/hotels/adventures. Would appreciate in information about your experiences. Thanks
Caloosa - 7/01/2016 5:10 AM
Try N2TheBlue in Fredricksted, St. Croix...great dive operation, with quality sites and operators. We stayed a short distance (2 miles away) on the beach at Cottages by the Sea in Fredricksted. Loved it! Good luck with your trip.
Agojo - 7/01/2016 12:34 PM
N2TheBlue, yes and and best if you have Jenny leading dives. Stayed at Fredericksted Hotel, 5 min walk to pier for afternoon/night dives and the dive shop is by the pier (best shite dive ever)!
TXwaterdog - 7/04/2016 4:25 PM
Thanks Caloosa and Agojo. Appreciate the input. Definitely want to spend some time on St. Johns, just trying to decide whether to do both St. Thomas and St. Croix, and if just one, which one.