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Dive Buddy for trip later this year. Considering Grand Turks or Belize Agressor
TXwaterdog - 3/18/2016 3:10 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Hi. I’m planning to make a trip in August to October of 2016. I’m considering Grand Turks or the Belize Agressor. Will consider all for buddy trip, but would ultimately like to meet a woman diver around my age.
sea4me - 3/18/2016 6:31 AM
I’d be up for Turks & Caicos October-January. I’m still a few years away from retirement but always up for diving.
divinggirl - 3/18/2016 10:26 AM
Love Turks & Caicos. Am retired so can travel most dates. Going to Iceland the end of August. Africa in October.
TXwaterdog - 3/21/2016 11:32 PM
Jill. I’ve done a little research online, but haven’t made any calls yet. GT is a small island with 3 dive operators and just a few small places to stay, with no all-inclusives. There are 24 dive sites, all that begin between 18-35 feet and go to 7000 feet. All wall dives. Salt Cay is even smaller with one dive operator and only small single to double residence lodging. Might be a good idea to consider both. It’s a 30 minute boat ride and 5 minute plane ride from GT to SC. Boat ride subject to weather. There are 7 dive sites on Salt Cay.

Question to the dive buddy community members. Would like to know if anyone has experience with either place and can make any suggestions. Here’s some questions/concerns.

1. Cruise boats come to GT, but not SC. Don’t know how many days/week they are there, but one cruise boat and 3 dive operators could be issue.
2. I’ve heard the hurricane that sat over that part of the ocean for three days last year caused a lot of reef damage around Provo. Haven’t heard if that is an issue for GT or SC.
3. Any personal recommendations on dive operators or lodging.

DiveEtte - 9/12/2016 1:14 PM
I’m ready to go to Belize ASAP !