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DiveBuddy Server Switch - Don’t Panic
Greg - 10/22/2015 9:46 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 11

On October 31 - November 1, may be down! But please don’t panic. I am switching web hosting providers and I will need that weekend to migrate everything over. I am hoping most of you will be hungover from an awesome Halloween party and won’t notice the change :)

You do not need to do anything. I will make sure all your profile content is transferred successfully, including your photos and dive log.

Starting on Monday November 2nd, use this forum to leave comments regarding any problems you experience. If you have questions, post them anytime.

Now would also be a good time review and edit your profile to make sure it’s accurate. Verify your email address, add any recent scuba certifications, update your dive log, etc.

Thank you!
submergedboarder - 10/22/2015 2:23 PM
Hi, Greg. How are you doing these days? I’m doing ok, in spite of me coughing in the past 3 nights. What’s up with you these days? How can I keep my profile up dated with up coming changes to dive buddy over the week end of October 31st to Nov 1st? will I still be able my profile? Any way, I’ll go for now. Have a pleasant evening, Greg. Corey.
Eric_R - 10/22/2015 4:27 PM
I hope the switch goes smoothly. I think your making a great move.
Greg - 10/23/2015 5:45 AM
On Oct 31 and Nov 1, you may not be able to access your profile to make changes. But before and after that you can.
Greg - 10/29/2015 7:37 AM
DiveBuddy was switched faster than I expected. I will be testing things over the next few days so please be patient if you run into issues. Right now, I’m seeing an issue with messages being sent really slowly.
Greg - 10/29/2015 12:02 PM
Seems like messaging is fixed and working pretty fast now. Lets keep an eye on it.

Also, for those techies out there...I just started using out-of-process state management on the web server, which allowed me to increase the number of IIS worker processes without loosing session data. If you experience problems with loosing your session information as you navigate between pages on DiveBuddy, let me know.
Smithsgold - 10/29/2015 12:19 PM
Seems to be working great so far !!!!
Greg - 10/29/2015 3:21 PM
It still may be up and down over the next couple of days while I work out kinks and get used to everything in AWS.
Eric_R - 10/31/2015 1:42 PM
I just tried to reply to a message and it didn’t post.
Greg - 10/31/2015 6:42 PM
From Eric_R: I just tried to reply to a message and it didn’t post.

Eric, were you on the message page on DiveBuddy when you replied to another member’s message? Or did you reply from your email application? Did you see any errors?
Greg - 11/01/2015 10:29 AM
Eric, the message issue you experienced was due to a problem with session state on the server. I switched back to only one worker process now. I’ll have to research this a bit more and find out why my "web garden" isn’t sharing session state even through I’m using an out-of-proc session state server.

Thanks for reporting this!