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Happy Birthday Becky (badintexas)
Greg - 3/20/2015 4:14 AM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Happy 29th Birthday Becky! For those of you that don’t know, Becky is my wife and that sort of makes her the mother of :) She helps to keep DiveBuddy running smooth.

Becky, I appreciate everything you do for our scuba community. Thank you for being a great wife and mother! I hope you make many more successful trips around the sun.

Eric_R - 3/20/2015 1:51 PM
My wife celebrated her 29th birthday for several years.
Happy Birthday to Becky
Smithsgold - 3/20/2015 8:45 PM
Happy Birthday !!!!
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/21/2015 3:58 AM
Happy Birthday Becky!