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Diving the Sea of Cortez from Austin, TX - July and August
zen - 6/09/2014 4:19 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

I plan to drive down to Baja from Austin , Tx probably mid- July thru August, however I’m somewhat flexible with my dates. I plan to spend time in Bahia De Los Angeles then scoot down to La Paz...the Whale Sharks start stopping by around that time..anyone interested, drop me a line...Dive safe, Marcie
Greg - 6/10/2014 5:45 AM
From Austin, what route do you take and how long is it? Any good stops along the way?
zen - 6/10/2014 5:53 AM
I’ll cross the border at Mexicali and take 5 down the Sea side of the peninsula. I plan to stop in Bahia De Los Angeles for a few days as I understand the bay is gorgeous and there is the opportunity to dive w/ locals Ricardos’ and also a gentleman who has been involved in turtle conservation for many years.
Greg - 6/10/2014 7:11 AM
I have always wanted to do that. This summer is not a good time for me. If you go in the fall, let me know.
Arieh - 6/16/2014 1:47 AM
hey, I am interested In Diving Bajia de Los ANgeles…Been in touch with Ricardo down there who supplies air, equipment and boat.. Maybe a challenge to join you from Minnesota, but would love to look at my options, like , which route are you taking? will you pick up hitchhikers like me????48 year old male (straight), but heart like a teenager ….…. I can see myself flying to a place that is your route (like San Diego or Phoenix) if that is how you might be going, and then flying back out of LaPaz or Loreto…. My only limitation, is that I might be restricted in vacation to about 10 days…… Also, if you don’t know the area, and you have a decent vehicle, I highly recommend the gravel road going south from San Filipe, and then again the gravel road going south from Bajia….. more about me on if not mistaken, have two photo albums on Facebook posted there from two different trips i Made to Bajia just last year …… good luck and enjoy :) and take lot of photos yourself…...
Arieh - 6/16/2014 1:51 AM
and update for Greg, sorry to update you on this, but that turtle conservation facility in Bajia was taken out a few years ago..
zen - 6/16/2014 4:30 AM
Hi Arieh,
I’ll be crossing the border at Mexicali and taking 5 down to Bahia. I too have spoken to Ricardo and plan to dive with him and stay with Antonio & Bety ( Campo Archelon) I do know they have done turtle conservation for many years and I assume they still do. drop me a line and perhaps we can figure out a place to meet up. Thanks, Marcie
zen - 6/16/2014 4:50 AM
Arieh- I will make 1 stop on my way to Mexicali in Ciudad Juarez, NM..then stay over in Mexicali..