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New guy
Sonnylynnvick75 - 12/19/2013 12:06 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 22

So, a few of you guys have added me already and I’ve yet to properly introduce myself. My name is Sonny Vick, I live about 5 miles south of Chattanooga, TN. I’ve been interested in scuba for awhile but time never allowed until now. I used to race motocross in the southeastern division of the Amateur nationals. I had a bad wreck that miracuously didn’t leave me brain dead. I ride streetbikes now but have been looking for a new hobby to replace motocross. Anyways, I’ll begin Scuba classe at Choo Choo dive center January 16th. I picked up some gear from a buddy on Wednesday just looking for some input

Scubapro BC and regulator, I believe he said tech model.
Scubapro Fins, tech as well
7m wetsuit, hood, and gloves
3m wetsuit
2 other suits
a dive computer
Recovery float bag and a bag to put stuff in before floating it.
and a gear bag.
for 450 (good deal?)

I ordered an aqualung sport frameless mask
I believe all I need now is an octopus and weights.

I would greatly appreciate any input.
Greg - 12/19/2013 1:08 PM
$450 for all that? That seems like a really good deal if it’s all in decent condition. The wetsuits alone would cost that much.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 12/19/2013 1:15 PM
Its all in great condition, he just had the regualtor and BC serviced last month.
RockRat2008 - 12/20/2013 5:45 AM
Sonny, it sounds like a great deal indeed! Double check with your buddy about the gear set up b/c typically an octopus would be included in a setup like that so you shouldn’t need to buy it.

I did notice you didn’t mention booties which you would want as well but can easily be picked up for $30-$50, and you’ll probably want to add a dive knife and dive light(s) at some point down the road also.

I’m in Nashville, TN so as soon as you get your certification card let me know and we’ll do some diving together.
tardmaster - 12/20/2013 7:47 AM
Sounds like a great deal to me. Welcome to the sport. I’m about 45 minutes north of Atlanta.
lerpy - 12/20/2013 9:47 AM
That is a great deal. I have the Scubapro MK25/S600 rig which is a great set of regs, but WOW on your price. Plus the BC, it is a nighthawk?

Welcome to the sport, good thing you got an awesome deal on gear, you will dive more having your own gear, or at least that is what I have found.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 12/21/2013 10:25 AM
No octopus which I found odd but I double checked and he didn’t have one. Seemed odd but I’ve found them all over for 30-50. He threw in some booties, not sure if I like them. I have a set of nrs booties that I had for whitewater kayaking. They’re incredibly comfortable and I like them much better. I can’t see why those wouldn’t be able to be used. Do you?
UWnewbee - 12/21/2013 10:12 PM
Welcome,, not to spoil anything, but eventhough its a friend, id have the bc and reg (1st & 2nd stage) serviced and inspected at a dive shop, this way youll know that everything is in working order!! Good Luck!!
pvt1044 - 12/26/2013 1:46 PM
must be a good friend! great deal
UWnewbee - 12/26/2013 11:37 PM
on the booties you have,, what MM are they? Depending on the diving your doing that can matter slightly
Sonnylynnvick75 - 12/27/2013 8:45 AM
The booties that came with are 3 mm but the kayaking booties I have have a better sole and they seem just a hair thicker possibly because they’re fairly new. I also just bought a scubapro r290 octopus.
UWnewbee - 12/27/2013 9:07 AM
WTG!! up here in the northeast we wear 7mm suits, the boots are usually 5mm no less, i know a few that wear 3 mm but they wear the socks under it,personal choice i guess,, good luck
DiverMikeB - 12/30/2013 10:53 PM
Great deal! just make sure you get everything serviced by a shop so you know it will work right. Last thing you want is a failure at 100 feet.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 12/31/2013 4:14 AM
Will do, I picked up my two tanks yesterday, Just have to get them hydro tested this week.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 1/14/2014 8:29 AM
Good news and inexperience. Good news is that class begins in a week. I took my BC and reg setup to Choo Choo dive center yesterday to have them inspected and serviced if needed. My friend said that they had been serviced not long ago but didnt have documentation so hopefully they’re good to go. As far as inexperience goes it became rather obvious. I looked at my BC and reg set up with a friend only to be told that I didnt have an alternate second stage. I ordered a used scubapro from Ebay for 50, I then go to the dive center only to be told that I brought 3 second stages. Turns out my BC has a dual Low pressure inflator and secondstage. But I guess that leaves me with a lesson learned and I’m assuming a backup regulator in the event something happens.
UWnewbee - 1/14/2014 9:30 AM
The bc has the inflator and back up reg all in one as youve said, so youll have your primary reg that should be installed already on the 1st stage, get used to the all in one on the bc, due to in case of an emergency or primary reg failure you should be familiar with breathing and adjusting your buoyancy with the same piece of equipment
Sonnylynnvick75 - 1/14/2014 9:33 AM
Thats what I was planning on. I was saying that the 2nd regulator I bought that was unnecessary can always just go with me in my bag in the event my second stage primary fails I would have a 2nd regulator I could put on.
Sonnylynnvick75 - 1/14/2014 12:39 PM
I went over today to check my BC out with the dive center. Obviously I’m new so I didn’t know much except the release on the integrated weights was rather awkward. We have concluded its an older Scubapro protek. Looks similar to a seahawk and superhawk but it doesn’t have it listed anywhere.
UWnewbee - 1/14/2014 3:37 PM
it seems your eager,, but before you get too far ahead of yourself, take your gear get it serviced(tanks,bc,regs) your signed up for a class go do the class and talk to the instructors, you wont be using all your gear in the beginning, they will be teaching you all about the gear, cleaning, care of, setting up, etc. its a learning process that you must go through.. Good Luck
UWnewbee - 1/26/2014 12:02 AM
Hey,, how did you make out with all your gear? did your classes start?
Sonnylynnvick75 - 1/27/2014 6:42 AM
Gear is good to go. Everything was inspected and approved. Both tanks were hydro tested and ready to go. Orientation for class will begin tomorrow. We were given all our book work last week which I’ve already finished. We’re taking SSI certification. My pool dives will be Feb. 7,8,9, & 15.
rashley - 2/12/2014 5:38 PM
You should be almost through with your pool dives according to your last post. How are things going? I can sense your excitement! Good luck!
Sonnylynnvick75 - 2/12/2014 8:30 PM
I had pool Friday Saturday and Sunday. Finished all my class work and pool dives. I have nitrox class this Saturday and then owc march 29th and 30th. I’ve already started studying and working on my specialty cert work such as navigation, boat diving, search and recovery. Etc.