I live in Greenfield, MA but would like to do some diving in Dutch springs, PA. Portland CT has something similar to Dutch called Brownstone quarry. I occasionally travel down to PA to visit family, and we were going to try some diving in Dutch. If you are available, or have a trip planned on your own let me know. As long as i dont have something else planned, like a pre-paid nitrox boat dive, i can usually count on my wife to get in the car and drive to PA.
Im an advanced diver, nitrox cert, working on rescue diver, and actually prefer local fresh water diving to driving 2-3 hrs to the shore for the same length underwater.
Hi Glenn,
great to hear from you! At the moment I have one dive scheduled in VA, then I will be in Nepal for two weeks, and then Dutch on July 6-7 to teach photography. We could try for a dive one of weekday of the week commencing July 15th if you are up to it. Let us keep in touch.
Photography course in dutch? I may be interested in taking that specialty. Which dive school is it with? NAUI/PADI etc? If it is PADI, then i can do the elearning ahead of time. I had planned on taking drysuit here in MA, but a wholesaler demo weekend came up in Dutch the 13th.
The week of the 15th i will be in BILLERICA, MA all week for work training. If you are in the area of the MA coast, i can do afternoon/ nighht diving one or several days that week. Otherwise, i, planning on camping at dutch the 12th/13th/14th and possibly the weekend before if i can et in your class :)
Glenn 978-609-4159 Gmacneil@panam.com
P.S. my nephew, just finished his open water class this winter, and is into photography, he still has to do his checkout dives, but if i can get him to do the checkout dives the last weekend in June, he may be available to take the course as well.
Would you be open to another student, if i can work it all out?
Hi Glenn,
Thanks for your email. I have never been diving in Mass. I will consider the option, and will let you know if I decide to be in the area at some point. Do you have some dive sites to recommend? Unfortunately I will be in Nepal for two weeks starting this Sunday.
Re photography: that would be great! And it would be a good occasion to dive together for the first time. I am doing this through Silver Diver in Sterling VA http://silverdivers.com . We can certainly do the e-learning thing. Check out my pictures on http://www.crudeli.it/index.php?album=underwater .
I am not doing a very structured course. I really want to linger on a few topics, since I am really passionate about photography. So I will go beyond the PADI manual. In any case, at the end of this you would become a PADI Digital Underwater Photographer.
Let me know what you arrange with Silver Scuba if anything.
I tried calling sterling silver scuba @ 703-421-3483. No answer, but website says they are open till 8. Hmmmm. Anyway, it appears that they have a camp and dive program at dutch 1-2 times a month, which can be paired with a class/specialty etc. student rate is $165 and non-student diver is $225, which includes meals, air fills, entrance into park etc. I assume i would be a "student" if i take the photo course, and the padi-elearning course for photography is $135. I just have to find out how to sign up for the pade elearning course and have that info go to silver. The last course imsigned up for was rescue diver, and it automatically found my local (not so local) dive shop in natick, MA.
Hopefully someone at silver can explain how that works.
Do you have a better number for them than the aforementioned one above?
The dive shop has to provide you with a pass code after you pay. You will access through that. The pass code is purchased from them directly. If you can’t manage I can give you a pass code and collect payment directly. But I need to know from them about whether they can arrange for you, or if they are fully booked. Write to melissa@silverdivers.com The number you have is correct I believe. Strange that they are not picking up. They are normally very responsive. I am sure all will be fine anyway. Let me know.
I spoke with the shop and they said if i select them as the shop when doing the elearning, they will have a record of the class. The only thing is the "editing" portion, which i must complete in the store. I asked if i could do that during the last camp/dive of the season before the trip to rawlings lake.
The person i spoke with didnt seem to think it was a problem, but ill call back and check just in case. If i come out a day before, or two days, then attend the weekend, ill kill two birds with one trip to VA. :)
I am not sure about what you mean, and whether you are planning to go back to sterling just for the picture editing portion, or for other purposes too. In any case, since I am the one teaching the classes on this, we can do the picture editing portion in teleconfence at your convenience, on Skype. I don’t think that would be a problem.