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Dive buddy wanted for Dutch Springs in PA ???
divingbear - 4/28/2013 1:12 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Want to test out my dry suit and I am looking for someone who is willing to dive cold and patient with regards to weight checks, and equipment shake down. I can dive just about any day with notice. If interested you can call or pm me, although I only check in once a day or so.
Greg - 4/29/2013 5:50 AM
Many divers on DiveBuddy have been to Dutch Springs. Check out the "Who’s Been Here" tab on the dive site page and maybe send a direct message to some of them.
whitefang21 - 4/29/2013 1:51 PM
i dove there yesterday temp was 43deg F in my 7 mm you definitely need a dry suit, stayed for 30 mins.
John_giu - 5/06/2013 10:56 AM
DUI demo days are happening 5/18 and 5/19.

We are going 5/18 with Scubadelphia. This is a new shop that opened last year.

You might find a lot of help on demo days.