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Pirates are alive and well - Join Privateer anybody?
Greg - 4/10/2013 3:51 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Seems the pirate business is doing ok, even during tough economic times.

Maybe we should ask our government to pay us to become Privateers and steal before the Pirates get to the loot.
Green_Achers - 4/10/2013 4:58 PM
I say let interested people ride/defend the cargo ships. Sell chances at the lottery - like they do for big game hunters. How many people would be excited about bagging an actual pirate ship?! The hard part would be to pretend you’re not excited.
Eric_R - 4/11/2013 2:37 PM
There will always be pirates. It’s just harder to tell who they are now that they don’t fly the jolly roger.
Scout - 4/14/2013 9:31 AM
In the US Constitution, the Congress is empowered to issue letters of marque and reprisal. I don’t know when the last one was issued. Generally, the deal is that you outfit your expedition at your own expense and split the booty with the Federal government. This arrangment was an important source of gunpowder during the Revolution. There’s a marvellous story about privateers who went to New Providence Island (Bahamas) during the Rev War, but I can’t remember the title.

A few years ago, I wrote my Congressman and asked him to have one of his staffers draw up the papers so I could go to Somalia and hunt pirates (dive, too). I didn’t get a response. Woudl have made a great trip. In the 70s, a group of Florida businessmen petitioned Congress for letters of marque: they wanted to intercept drug runners and promised to turn over all the dope if they could keep everything else. There are plenty of books on the subject; the best known is "A History of American Privateers," by Edgar Stanton Maclay.
Scuba-Smurf - 4/16/2013 9:33 AM
They sure are! We often see them in and around Iran & the Straight of Hormuz...