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How’s the Diving in Carbarete, Dominican Republic
Caloosa - 3/03/2013 1:20 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Has anyone ever dove in Carbarete area of the Dominican Republic...I only found one operator near there. Any info on the diving experiences you may have had would be appreciated. Thanks. Caloosa.
First_Lonewolf - 3/04/2013 12:45 PM
I dove there Jan. of 2012...I had a great time with a fantastic company.
Dive Cabarete is a small family run PADI shop that treats their customers like family
They only take small groups of 6 or 7 at a time and dive various sites depending on your level
They can also recommend a good place to stay while there, I found the towns people friendly and the vendors aren’t too pushy if you just say no thank you
Hope this helps
Caloosa - 3/04/2013 1:10 PM
Great to hear...I’m never sure when traveling to the Caribbean...I will check them out when we go. Thanks for the response.
divergirl50 - 3/30/2013 8:58 PM
Let us know how the dives go there...would be interested!