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Bonaire Boat dive or just shore dive?
FrankieD - 2/28/2013 8:25 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 6

We are planing our second trip to Bonaire for this summer and our first since getting Open Water Cert. My question is, with all the awsome shore diving, do I need a package that includes boat dives or should I save the money and just do shore diving? Do the boat dives only go to sites around Bonaire or do they take you over to Klien Bonaire? BTW, we will probably be staying at Coral Paradice and diving with Capt Don’s. I will be traveling with my wife and our 13 yr old daughter.
tardmaster - 2/28/2013 6:50 PM
The boats usually go over to klein and some go to the north side of the island which has no shore access. i think it’s worth it to do a couple of boat dives, but you certainly cant go wrong by just doing shore dives either. I’m my humble opinion, "Larry"s wild side is a must"

Yell at me if you have any questions.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/28/2013 7:12 PM
Larry’s wild side might not be a good idea for a 13 year old, that’s advanced diving but the diving around Kline Bonaire was my favorite.
tardmaster - 3/01/2013 7:17 AM bad. i TOTALLY agrree with Latitude. I’m guilty of basicly just reading your forum title. Forget larry’s wild side.
FrankieD - 3/01/2013 12:58 PM
Thanks for everyones input.

Larry’s Wild Side mightg be a bit much for Ashley (my 13 yr old) but if she has anything to do with it, we will be visiting Bonaire every year for at least the next four years. So she can put it on her bucket list for when she’s a little older and more experianced.

Eskimo, part of our the package we are looking at will include a truck. We found it invaluable last year when we went. A entire week there and only staying in the resort would not have been as enjoable. We drove the entire island and hit all the major site for snorkeling. Ashley loved 1000 Steps and the beach with all the sea glass (forget the name).

I did a ton of research before we went on the best place for snorkeling since we weren’t cert last year. We also did a 1/2 trip on the Woodwind and snorkeled around Klein and though it one of the best reefs we saw. If you haven’t done a Woodwing trip, I HIGHLY recomend it for the dry day before leaving the island. Book early as Friday’s fill up fast.

I will check with Capt Don’s (who we will be diving through) and see if we can just buy a one or two day boat trip for just Klien as I like the freedoom of the shore diving at our own pace and don’t think we will do much of the boat diving.

Now, if only I can find another couple with a 12-16 year old daughter to buddy up with us :~)
oceanfloor - 3/24/2013 5:47 PM
I’ve been there twice and stayed at Capt Don’s the second time. Personally I really preferred the boat dives to shore diving. Shore diving isn’t as easy as it appears. I bought an additional five boat dives above what was included in my package. It was easier to follow the dive guide around and they took care of the tanks etc. Staff was great. I did do shore diving right off the pier at Capt Dons this time and that wasn’t too bad, but the traveling around to various shores was more difficult, requires great navigation skills and any movement in the water makes for difficult exits, especially when your tired after the dive.