You can go all the way to the bottom, coming back up is the problem :(
Good point. That would be my fear. I’ll bet there isn’t too much support down at 300+ feet either.
I don’t think you are out of the woods when you surface, either. Shallow water blackout?
Greg - 1/14/2013 2:17 AM 
From Progrower: And everybody thinks diving in 36 degree water is crazy.LOL http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50138792n... It doesn’t look like he had a weight belt to offset the initial buoyancy of the wetsuit. So the first part must have been the toughest. After the wetsuit compressed enough, he just descended without moving.
Which explains him getting down the last 235 feet... however, he then has to fight that gravitational help in an effort to get back up 235 feet + the 70 buoyant feet. I’m out of breath just thinking of holding my breath for over a minute! LOL
Why did this topic get changed from the Free Dive section and put into the scuba. The topic has nothing to so with scuba and everything to do with Free Diving. What am I missing?!