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60 Minutes - Special on Free Diving
Green_Achers - 1/13/2013 3:30 PM
Category: Free Diving
Replies: 8

Tonight on 60 Minutes... How deep can a diver go?
Eric_R - 1/13/2013 6:11 PM
And everybody thinks diving in 36 degree water is crazy.LOL
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/13/2013 8:07 PM
You can go all the way to the bottom, coming back up is the problem :(
Green_Achers - 1/13/2013 8:36 PM
Good point. That would be my fear. I’ll bet there isn’t too much support down at 300+ feet either.
diverray - 1/13/2013 10:36 PM
I don’t think you are out of the woods when you surface, either. Shallow water blackout?
Greg - 1/14/2013 2:17 AM
From Progrower: And everybody thinks diving in 36 degree water is crazy.LOL
It doesn’t look like he had a weight belt to offset the initial buoyancy of the wetsuit. So the first part must have been the toughest. After the wetsuit compressed enough, he just descended without moving.
Green_Achers - 1/14/2013 8:22 AM
Which explains him getting down the last 235 feet... however, he then has to fight that gravitational help in an effort to get back up 235 feet + the 70 buoyant feet. I’m out of breath just thinking of holding my breath for over a minute! LOL
Green_Achers - 1/14/2013 11:02 AM
Here’s the show in case anyone missed it.