Going to Blue Heron bridge april 26 in morning from Miami
Alan1975 - 4/24/2012 7:54 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Going to Blue heron bridge in riviera beach on thursday. Am leaving Miami 8:30 am slack tide is about 11:10 am.

If anyone lives in miami area or would like to meet at Riviera beach. please call 305-934-6135. Thank you.
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/28/2012 4:10 AM
How was it? We may be down there in June, Force-E has two night dives planned and hope to do one of them. I have only done day dives there so far.
Alan1975 - 4/28/2012 4:16 AM
Great dive. Only been there twice but never been dissappointed.
Would like to do a night dive. Sure let me know when u head down :)