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Hapkiman - 11/22/2011 6:08 AM
Replies: 2

I am headed to Aruba for vacation and am trying to find a dive resort , or dive shop that offers Tec training or Tec dives . or Any good Dive shope or resorts . Will be there in Feb 2012
Greg - 12/26/2011 8:30 AM
From member on our facebook group:
Felicity Ann Lazo: Check out aruba forum. Also wouldnt PADI have a list of instuctors in the area. No true experience with Aruba but trip advisor has a lot to offer the wandering traveler. Tripadvisor helped a lot in the Galapagos last March. Cozumel & Isla Mujeres, this January. Happy bubbles
MDW - 1/12/2012 4:56 PM
Interesting advice: get info on Tech instructors from PADI. Good luck getting any technical dive training from Pay And Dive Immediately (PADI).